One of my very favorite way to practice math is with a deck of cards! Students LOVE when you bring out the cards. It's such a fun and non-monotonous way to practice math. There's so many ways to change it up, with all the different skills!

You can practice place value a multitude of ways.
This is from my Deck of Cards pack
This is one where we were learning how to represent the numbers in First Grade.
Food makes everything better :)
This is a version of the game "Heads Up." Here, they were trying to make a ten. The person NOT holding the card would say what number you would add to the card on their head to make a ten, so the person holding the card would have to guess the OTHER number to make a ten.
You can even do multiplication with it - here they were doing times two... so person B would say "four" and then person A would have to guess what times two would equal four.
Here's another game you can play - set out 5 cards, and the goal is to make a ten. You can use anywhere from two to all five cards.
So this one used three cards to make a ten.
I use cards to make a "Random Number Generator" for all kinds of different math activities, too! I've done them for both First and Second grade.
And to do addition and subtraction skills
In addition to the giant deck of cards, I've also used an online version to flip over cards for the whole class to see.
Oh - and I've used them in small group for intervention.
There's so many ways to use a deck of cards!
Check out my Math with a Deck of Cards packs - HERE
Check out my Amazon Math Manipulatives List to see what other goodies I like to use in math!