Showing posts with label magnets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magnets. Show all posts

Magnet Fun and a winner!

Ugh. My sickness is coming back. I feel worse today than I did yesterday. 

BUT, today was Field Day and it was BEAUTIFUL! It was sunny, breezy, and about 70 degrees. FABULOUS day for being outside for almost 2 hours watching my kiddos having fun!
(did you see my fancy words, Rachelle? ha!)

Anyway, because I'm feelin' a less than stellar today, this post is short and sweet.

We did some magnet activities this week...

They had to predict if a magnet could pull up the paperclip from the OUTSIDE of the different cups. I used a  glass mason jar, a styrofoam cup, and a plastic cup. I put some water in the cups. And I gave each group the SAME kind of magnet - so there was only ONE variable - the type of cup.

They noticed that they couldn't lift the paperclip over the lip on the mason jar, but one of my smarties went and got a bigger magnet off my board, and then discovered it worked - Oh, how I love them sometimes!

If you want the activity - click the pick. It's a pretty fast and fun activity for them!

AND, last night I did a post of my organization - and my updated spring packs...

It was such a long post that if you were able to get to the end of it, then I was doing a giveaway - the winner could choose one of the packs from that post - 

I did the Random Number site and it chose Melissa from Jungle Learners!!
The email should be coming to you soon!


Cats, Magnets, Gooney Bird, and Visualizing

Today was Wacky Wednesday day for Dr. Seuss....I don't have any pictures to show you because my project for this day is going to take a while...They are writing their own books!! In our disctrict and school, we have what we call Young Authors. And so our school makes has each class have at least 2 students write a book. So, I just do the whole class and pick out the best ones. So, today, we started planning for it using a Flow Map, which helps us stay in sequence!

But here are some pictures from our response to literature writing activity we did. We used my Cat in the Hat bubble map to describe the Cat. They came up with answers like helpful, messy, adventurous, silly, funny, etc. As long as they could defend their answer with reasonable proof from the story, I let them use it.

Then they wrote about it. They HAD to use TWO examples from the story of why they used that as his character trait. This is a SUPER hard skill, so I only made them write 3 sentences. Usually, they write WAY more.

And I used the pattern from Erica's Seuss unit that I got a while ago....
The hall is coming together!
We have our Cats and our Feet measurement (my Habitats for Sale is still up, but oh well! ha!)

Tomorrow is Green Eggs and Ham day...yum! Just made it!!

We also did more with magnets. This was kind of a spur of the moment experiment. We started off doing Christina's magnet flippy book, and then I got an idea to take it further.

We made a flap-foldable and on the top of each flap, they wrote the type of cup. We used plastic, Styrofoam, and glass jar. They had to make a prediction whether or not the magnet would lift the paper clip out of the cup or jar.

You can see the foldable in the next two pictures...I was really surprised that the magnet still lifted through the Styrofoam cup!

AND through this THICK glass jar.


And lastly, last night I finished my Gooney Bird Greene Activities!

It's 16 pages and Includes:
Writing Activity using Gooney Bird's Writing Tips
How ______ Got his/her name activity
Comparing Gooney Bird's stories, with writing extension
Visualizing using excerpts from the book.
Art craft with origami stars
It's $1 at my stores


I want to share with you one of my favorite things to do (it's in my Gooney Bird Pack)'s a visualizing activity.

You only see this much of the student on the paper, and they draw in their hair and eye color and whathaveyou. They draw what they visualize from an excerpt that you give them, or from a book as a whole. I've done this in so many ways - Lit cirlces, writing activities, read alouds, etc. Click the pic to download.

Ok, I'm off to the couch to veg for the rest of the night! Maybe I'll start up the dinosaur laptop and do some blog stalking too :)

Hope y'all had a Wonderful Wednesday!


magnets and fractions

Well, I'm still not in the system today was another day of winging it - and since our copies are counted, no one is really jumping at the chance to let me use their copies! haha!! Don't blame them

So, I did like our WHOLE week of magnet lesson in one day today, just to take up time! lol

I used THIS...which I won from Organized Classroom Blog contest on Facebook!

My kids loved it!!

We talked about how magnet poles can repel and attract and compared differences in magnet strengths...and played with cars with opposite poles! It was fun :)

Hopefully tomorrow I can start printing and copying, but since I still can't, we did a foldable (aren't you proud, Mor?!).

LOVE the hands on this one :)

This one is a picture of the PENDULUM that we talked about! 

Ok, my friend just sent me this email...this is's way cool! Go check it out!

And here's my friend/co-worker and me as Thing 1 and Thing 2...I'm so sad, she's going to be leaving us after this year :(
But I got a picture of our Principal and AP, and it's going in the yearbook, baby! ha!!

On another note, have you SEEN the awesomeness that Michelle has created again!?!?

The 3AM Teacher

This girl is seriously talented!! Her new Soccer set is 96 graphics!!!

I have so many plans for these fabulous graphics....but I don't have the time tonight (I want all my hours in the day back so I can create!! lol), but here's something that I'm going to be using with my kiddos tomorrow...we're doing fractions, so this'll be perfect!
I seriously cannot wait to start my soccer math centers!

Click the pic to grab, but leave some lovin' please :)

ok, so I hope you've got your shopping carts full!!! I've got stuff in mine, but not nearly as much as I want :P DARN all you creative geniuses!!  lol
Don't forget, I'll be having a sale too!! Stop on by my store and take a look :)
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