Ugh. My sickness is coming back. I feel worse today than I did yesterday.
BUT, today was Field Day and it was BEAUTIFUL! It was sunny, breezy, and about 70 degrees. FABULOUS day for being outside for almost 2 hours watching my kiddos having fun!
(did you see my fancy words, Rachelle? ha!)
Anyway, because I'm feelin' a less than stellar today, this post is short and sweet.
We did some magnet activities this week...
They had to predict if a magnet could pull up the paperclip from the OUTSIDE of the different cups. I used a glass mason jar, a styrofoam cup, and a plastic cup. I put some water in the cups. And I gave each group the SAME kind of magnet - so there was only ONE variable - the type of cup.
They noticed that they couldn't lift the paperclip over the lip on the mason jar, but one of my smarties went and got a bigger magnet off my board, and then discovered it worked - Oh, how I love them sometimes!
If you want the activity - click the pick. It's a pretty fast and fun activity for them!
AND, last night I did a post of my organization - and my updated spring packs...
It was such a long post that if you were able to get to the end of it, then I was doing a giveaway - the winner could choose one of the packs from that post -

I did the Random Number site and it chose Melissa from Jungle Learners!!
The email should be coming to you soon!