Showing posts with label intervention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intervention. Show all posts

Using Nonsense Words for RTI and Centers

One of the skills that I really want my kids to be able to do is sound out nonsense words. To me, this is how I know they really know their phonics sounds and rules. 

I do this in my whole group and in my centers a lot. And our school (and district) actually does a school-wide intervention (and enrichment) time where we divvy the kids up by what phonics skill they are on.  When I have a phonics group (as opposed to a Phonemic Awareness), I do a lot of the real vs. nonsense words for the skill. The first phonics group is CVC... depending on the group, I spend a week on each vowel. Or sometimes I can just do a quick review and do a mixed CVC week of lessons. I usually just made some lessons here and there to do with my kids.

Well, I finally put them all together.  Here's what's included in all 6 CVC packs 
(yes, I know there are only 5 Each vowel has its own pack and then there's a mixed CVC)

First, there are tons of word cards to use throughout the pack in different ways. You can obviously sort them, but there are tons of other ways you can use them. Plus, I just like have a pile of words to be able to use so I don't have to think of words on the spot. I don't know why, but thinking of nonsense words "just like that" sometimes is tricky for me. So weird! lol

Then there are student sorting activities. You can do the sort on a separate paper like this...

Or in a flap-foldable like this. Mix it up each week to make it a little fun.

Then there are a lot of printables to do. This is a Highlight and Write

This one is always a favorite because they love to roll the word cubes.  There are a few different cubes to make the center stretch to a few weeks.

I like to use the picture cube dice and just write the onsets and rimes on index cards and put them in the "sleeves"

Another dice activity, but with an actual dice. I LOVE to dice activities in my class. I have a post written on all kinds of dice activities I like to do. You can check it out {HERE}.

This one is where they have to walk around the room to find the word cards. They are numbered and they have to put them on the corresponding line and then decide if the words are real or nonsense. This activity can be differentiated.. there is a page that has sentence lines for them to write sentences and there's a version that doesn't have any lines for writing out sentences.

This one you just put word cards around the room (like the ones that you can sort)

There are more activities included in each pack, but I wanted to show you these, which my kids do a lot during centers and RTI time.

Here is a better look at what's included... this is what's in the MIXED CVC pack, but all the packs have the same activities, just changed for that specific skill.

You can buy the packs separately, or but the bundle and save!


Analyzing ORFs

Today, we had early release. It's new. Our district has given us one early release each month.  It's so we can get caught up on paperwork, collaborate with our team, plan, etc...

I'm actually excited about it...except it's not really early release. It's only an hour early. ha!

What did we do today??

We got together with our team and analyzed our data.


More specifically, we analyze our oral reading fluency tests (ORFs)

Here's what we did...

After we have their data, we tried to figure out if they were:

Slow and wrong
Slow and right
Fast and wrong
Fast and right

If they are fast, they are meeting the minimum words per minute.  If they are right, they are getting at least 95% of the words correct.

Slow and wrongThese are your lowest students. Do a screener—phonics or maybe even a phonemic awareness screener.

Slow and rightThink about it—why are they slow??
You may need to do a phonics screener...or maybe a fluency group?

Fast and wrongDo a screener:
Why are they wrong??
They may need phonics intervention

Fast and rightEnrichment students:
give these students activities such as literature circles, Time for kids/Scholastic magazines, etc to enhance their comprehension skills.

Take into account why your slow and rights are slow...are they slow because they are sounding out each word and struggling, or are they slow because that is how they are normally??

I put it into a pretty little chart for you...We've used something like this in the past, but I couldn't find it, so I just quickly made one. 

Would you like to know which box most of my kids are in??

Sure, I'll tell ya...

I have THIRTEEN SLOW AND WRONG students - just in case, I'll give you the standard form for that number...13. ONE Slow and right, and THREE Fast and Right....which means I have THREE students who are on grade level.

Now, what do we do with those kids???

the slow and wrongs are the target group, and those get separated into smaller groups - we use Barton, Voyager, 95% Group, etc...some are phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, all just depends on who needs what...and we progress monitor every two weeks and adjust the groups as needed....

Click any of the pics above to grab a copy...let me know what YOU guys do for your intervention...

Oh!  wanted to show you my latest craft...

It's my new purse!! I made that....I'm so proud of myself.

No, I didn't do a step by step as I was doing it - sorry....I just kind of did

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