Showing posts with label addition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label addition. Show all posts

Math Assessment Freebie

Today, we finished up our 2-digit math addition without regrouping.

I was pretty impressed with how my kids have really learned their number concepts!! I might be giving myself a pat on the back for this one. haha. That's allowed, right? I'm definitely impressed. 

Next, we are going to be working on 2-digit subtraction without regrouping and THEN 2-digit addition WITH regouping. Oh, the fun!

I wanted some quick assessments for each of these skills, so I could really break it down. Here are a few pages I made real quick, separated into skills, and then there's a mixed skills for the addition one. Click the picture below to download your freebie assessments.

We will be doing a LOT of center activities for the rest of year reviewing past math skills as well as REALLY practicing this 2-digit addition with regrouping. 

Here are some of the math centers we'll be doing for the rest of the year...

These are from my {April Math Centers}

And some activities from my {Addition with Regrouping}.

We are almost to the end, my friends! 24 more days - eek!


Ten Frame Adding

This week in math, we have been working on flip flop strategies and adding to make ten. We did a fun little game called "Shake and Spill" to practice both of these skills.

We also practiced in small group, using our magnetic ten frame boards. I love these things! My students do too.  I got them from {EAI Educations} through a Donor's Choose project. They were supposed to come last year, but they were out of stock until this summer! Worth the wait. I also have the jumbo teacher board ones, and the double ten frame boards for the kids once we get to that point in math....which won't be for a while though. ha!

I came home and wanted to do with Autumn, BUT I used the last copy I had, and I'm pretty sure it was one of the files I lost in the great computer crash of 2014 because I can't find it anymore (insert sad face). SO, I had to make a new own version...

I'm not going to lie, she did pretty good! This is the problem with being a teacher's kid...sometimes your mom just wants to try things out on you - haha!

Click {HERE} if you want the activity.

Happy 3 Day Weekend! 


Adding 10s, Vday Smores, and Nonsense Words

Last week was my first full week back to work. I'm going to say it. I enjoy being back to work. I love being a teacher, I love to socialize with friends, and I love coming home to my babies who run up to me and love me and hug me.  They seem to love me more when I'm not home 24/7 with them..haha! 

This week we practiced more with adding and subtracting multiples of 10. We use my Math with Decks of Cards pack (for Grade 1 - but there is an upper primary edition too!)

We have also been using Reagan's math journals. Her ones for February are spot on for what we have been working on. I love using notebooks in math - quick simple checks!

I had a group of kids doing the multiples of 10 with my February cards. You can get the cards {HERE} for free.

Our phonics skill this week was long u with silent e. So we used some activities from my Long U pack and my Real and Nonsense Pack.  I posted about all my Real and Nonsense packs {HERE} if you want to check out what's in there.

And then we started really working on writing using topic sentences, details and conclusion sentences. We came up with the topic sentence as a group and then we brainstormed details to go with the topic sentence. They had to choose two of them to write out as sentences. Then we came up with the conclusion sentence together. After they wrote out their neat copy, they took a green crayon to underline the topic, the yellow crayon to underline their details and the red to underline the conclusion.

After they finished their writing, they got to do their craft!

I found this cute craft from First Grade Frenzy.

I don't have a bulletin board in my hallway (boo!) but my daughter's VPK school has lots of them.. and there are always some great BBs there...and this one is just so cute and creative! I love it! I can't do the religious part at my school, but I love the idea!

On another note... I had my doTerra order come in the mail today! I love it! I am quite addicted to oils. I use them EVERY day. 
I wish I could diffuse them at school. Can you diffuse oils at your school??

If you're interested in using oils, you can check out my doTerra site {HERE}.


Our week in picture summary

Here are just a few pictures of what we've been up to - this week... I've been trying to get better at taking pictures again.

We finished our bear writing! We used my Bear Snores On Pack and they used the organizer in the pack to help plan out their thoughts (forgot to take that picture), and then wrote out the sloppy copy, and after I conferred with them they wrote their neat copy. 

But what I really love about these writings is HOW they did the bears. I just put some paint on the paper and they painted the paper. Then they took a plastic knife (I would've preferred a fork, but I didn't have one of and they scraped the paint to make the hair.

After is dried, they traced the bear and cut it out and glued it down on paper with their writing.

We also started my Robert Munsch activities. We listened to Aaron's Hair on Robert Munsch's website.

Then, they did problem and solution in their learning journal.

Then, they did a SWBSF and summarized the story. I LOVE SWBSF because there are many different waits to write it out. But it also makes them think if they can take that thought all the way to the end. I asked one kid who the "somebody" should be and he started with Aaron's Hair...everyone thought he was wrong, but I asked him if he could take it all the way to the end...
"Aaron's Hair, WANTED to be liked, BUT no one did, SO he kept running away. FINALLY Aaron caught up with him and told him he liked him and he went back to Aaron."

See??? Most people would've started with Aaron. That's why I like it. 

And I wanted to show you a little know I use cards a lot to teach math.

WELL...the only technology I have in my room is a doc cam. Which I'm totally thankful for, but it's no smart board or iPad or anything....ha!

WELL - you know the perfect little cards to put on the doc cam???

TRAVEL size! 

Look how TINY these are! 
(Teeny - these are perfect for you! ha!)

Here are a few more things we've been doing in math - that come from my Deck of Cards pack.

and also, we've been TRYING to finish our pen pal letters...omgosh these kids take FOREVER writing letters our friends in Japan...but I just want to show you Suzy, they ARE writing them!!

And, you know how I tell you in my visual plans that we use the phonics poems book for fluency throughout the week?? Just wanted to show you a little snippet of what we do with them. 

I retype them so they can't see the bold-faced words (the book bold-types the phonics words). We do a series of fluency and partner reads and choral reads and such through out the week. They circle words that follow the phonics rule. Then they illustrate it. 

Whew! ok - so that's a summary of our week.

On my FB page, I shared the cover to my evidence log I have to do for my evaluation

I got a few requests to show what's in my binder. I took a few pictures today. So I'll post about it tomorrow for you. 


Ice Cream and Traveling the World

Hi all!!!

I am TOTALLY exhausted!

We had our ice cream sundae party to celebrate everyone who has passed all their addition quizzes!

LOOK at all the kiddos who passed their addition quizzes.... and I actually had 2 kids who didn't get their craft part finished to put up on the wall...

The goodies were set before them...

They got to put any and everything they wanted on their sundae!

They. Were. In. HEAVEN!!

I mean ...just look!!

lol.... They were so excited they were finished with their quizzes!!

Next party is the pizza party for subtraction!

Click HERE to check out my tasty facts!

AND I finally finished my Around the World for the holidays!

What's included in this 159 pages???

Countries Included:

Canada (The pages are the same as America.)

Activities include:
Map of the World
Graphic Organizers - country description and compare/contrast
Teacher "cheat sheets" with information on each country
Class book - to print, laminate, and bind OR you can project from your computer onto the screen!
Student book - teacher can choose which countries to put in the book
Passport - teacher can choose which countries. There are 3 different styles to choose from to differentiate for your students' writing needs!
Crafts for most of the countries (America/Canada, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, Australia, Israel)

Check it out!

I want to give it away to someone - go to my facebook page to check it out!!

BUT, if you can't wait.....

You can get it for HALF off for the next 24 hours!!! So quick! Go grab it now!


Adding Woes, Habitats, and a Freebie!

So this week, we're still review adding 2-digit numbers, without regrouping 

and then we're headed to subtracting 2-digit numbers without regrouping...
Now...I have to tell you...

this is really hard for a lot of our kids...

yes...teaching VERTICAL addition is the EASIEST thing to do...
because, well, that's what we use in REAL life, right?
I mean...
I do...

BUT, our district's math test that we give, ask them to do them horizontally AND give the strategy - ahh!

soo...we've been practicing adding tens this week for centers - and we'll continue with these centers next week too...

BUT, we'll add in some subtracting 2- Digit numbers in there too, probably...

OH BOY! lol


speaking of 2-digit adding...

I have some kids that are seriously struggling with it...

because they JUST DON'T get place value!!

I've tried manipulatives...
I've tried 100s charts...
I've tried touch math..

and then one day, I'm not sure why, but I just labeled the tens and ones like this....

and by golly, they get it!!!

In fact, you should have SEEN one of my girls' eyes today...

she was SOOOO excited that she could FINALLY get the right answer!!

And THAT, my friends, is why I'm a teacher - because of THOSE little moments...

So, I made a little diddy that you can use that already has them labeled if you want...

click the pic to's a freebie!

I hope it helps some of your struggling students too!

In addition to my Adding Tens centers (heehe - get ADDITION to - badabum!)

We've been using Susan's Addition with 3 addends...

I really like this set in the pack because it's working math, phonics, AND following directions - ding ding ding!!

Following Directions...

SUPER hard for my kdis!!

And this is what I'm doing with my small groups this week - 

They have to find the 3rd addend, which is missing to answer the math problem...

Can I tell you how much I love these??


You saw my post yesterday on my students' planning sheet for their habitat that's for sale...

Well, today, we some finished products!!

Check out the descriptions!

Great use of inferencing, knowledge of habitats, and not to mention this is such a higher level activity for them to do! They LOVE it...

Also - yesterday I showed you my Exemplar Sentence that I got from our Story...

So today - they wrote their own sentences... 

Go to THIS post to read more about Sentence Imitation!

I didn't realize how AWESOME my students were getting at writing students until I got a new student today who has not been exposed to doing these Imitation Sentence activities.


If I could JUST get them to write in a paragraph knowing where to end a sentence and start a new one...ahhh!!! lol




LOOK what we got to watch happen today!!! 

isn't the baby chick sooo cute???

(do you like how I tried positioning the letters so that you couldn't see the NASTINESS that is my nails?? haha!)

I cant' wait to show you a surprise....BUT, I'm not going to tell you right now, JUST in case it doesn't happen...

Yes, I realize that you are saying - why aren't you doing these in the spring like everyone else??


because our district has given us a pacing guide and in that pacing guide it tells us that Life Cycles are in the first 9 weeks...


I think weather should be...


I'm what do I know???

Ok - so I must go catch up on blog stalking and dvr watching - LATERS!
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