Showing posts with label A Splash of Life Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Splash of Life Blog. Show all posts

Sweet Caroline!

My Sweet Baby C has made her appearance!  

Come on over to my Splash of Life Blog to read about her birth story!


Baby B is TWO!

Yesterday, my little Brooklynn turned two!!!

I threw her a "Where the Wild Things Are" party. Click {HERE} to check out the post on it!


A Splash of Life

So I started my new venture....

Do you KNOW the issues I had with this blog name!? HOLY cow! Took me FOREVER to come up with the name...but I LOVE it!!! It's so me.

I'm going to be separating my personal blog and my teacher blog more now. I just feel that we do so much and I love to share it, but it's getting to the point where they are the center of my teaching blog now. That part of my life will make an appearance still over here, but if you want to keep watching the girls, or my "adventures" (even if they are just right here in the backyard), then come follow my new blog!!

I've already written my first blog post, and I have so many I want to do already!

Before I go, I want to give a big shout out to Tessa from Tales from a Blog Designer for designing my new blog! I'm in LOVE with it!!! It's so ME, and she was SO GREAT to work with on it!
Thank you so much!!

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