Window Cling Crafts

Out with the old....

And in with the new....

I just love these monthly window clings I have the kids do. It gives such a pretty window decoration! I have them do it one Monday morning as they walk in the room. I know it's the one day of the week where they don't owe any work to get started on and it's "mindless" so it gives their brain time to wake up before it really gets used. ha! 

After a few times of cutting paper...I finally got smart and started buying precut tissue paper. I know - it's not hard to cut tissue paper if you have a paper cutter...or even scissors. But sometimes, time is worth my money, and I like to work smarter not harder.... and all the other sayings. 

I started buying them on Amazon - HERE. This one is the Fall set - but it also works for Christmas/holiday season!  Then I just go looking for another pack that has winter in it, later. But this pretty much works for Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, rainbows (although maybe you want a darker blue, like in the winter pack?)... just depends. But anyway. Thought I'd share my little tip I learned along the way. 

Here's how we put them together - I just trace (or have a volunteer trace) and cut out the center of a shape. Normally, I'm all for letting the kids do ALL the work... but these need about a 1 inch "frame" and I know some kids would have a hard time with that. Plus, it's just supposed to be a fun activity for them to do in the morning. 

They place the frame on the contact paper (this can be's pretty sticky! lol) and then they just lay the squares randomly along the paper. 

I will trim up the contact paper and then put it on the windows. I LOVE how they turn out - like stained glass window decorations! 

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