100 Days of 1st Grade

Happy 100 Days of 1st grade! It's crazy to thing we only have 80 (well, 77 because of the hurricane days) left of school. We still have SO MUCH TO DO - I have so many themes and skills to teach!!

Before I go into what we did today, here are some books that you can read that day...

The first thing we did was do our math board

Then we moved on to our 100 Day Fashion Show!  I rolled out the red carpet (some paper - lol) and put a background on the projector and found some fashion show music on youtube. Each kid brought in an index card describing their outfit. 

Here's me and one of my teammates... I really went all out for the Fashion Show - haha!

Then, it was time to get the "party" started.  We didn't go crazy or anything, but we had some fun.

One station was to create a picture out of "100" numbers. 

Another station was to make their hats - 10 strips of paper, with 10 dots on each... last year, I did stickers. Dabbers are the way to go!

Another station was to build a tower with 100 cups. I saw this on Jodi's IG and was like, "duh! I need to do that, too!" 

They started getting really creative and building walls around kids... that was fun to watch. lol

Another station was to write their page of our 100th Day Class Book

The last 45 minutes of the day, we worked on our Ten Frame Snacks.  For whatever reason, I decided we were going to use the giant tweezers to grab the food. haha... 
The kids really liked that added detail. 

Then they baggied it all up and took it home.

Happy 100th Day! 

Check out more of what we did in my 100th Day pack


ICEE Math for Word Problems

I want to  introduce you to something my teammate showed me last year.

It's called ICEE math. And I love it!

You know how some people do a problem of the day or W.O.W (Word problems on Wednesdays)... well, I was really struggling with it when I moved to 1st grade a few years ago. I just couldn't figure out my "groove" for it. Well, if I'm being honest, I couldn't figure out how to teach 1st grade math. lol. First grade math is HARD... I love teaching math, but it was HARD coming from 3rd to 2nd to 1st grade...BUT, I think I'm finally getting the hang of it..haha!

So, back to ICEE math....

We do it every day BUT Wednesdays... since those are our early release days.  I print up the cards (usually I type them all Monday during planning and get the ready for the week) and each day I pass them out. There are 10 boxes on a page.. and I always match it up to our theme for the week and I  use their names. They get so excited to see if it's their name for that day's problem!

It took a few days, but they know how to set it up pretty quickly - a plus sign and glue the word problem in the middle and label each box.

The "I" box is for illustrating - they have gotten SO good at drawing out the math problem!
"C" is for calculations - write out the math problem
"E" is for Extra - show it another way
 the other "E" is for explain - SUPER hard for 1st graders

I spent a long time doing it with them each day... and then I started to release it to them... it's so awesome to see how it just clicks for them!

now... for the calculation, I started having them put a box for the "unknown" part of the equation...because our district tests require them to put it..better to get them used it, I guess.

The extra box - sometimes we do number bonds, sometimes we do ten frames, it just depends. They have gotten really good at drawing a ten frame. 

I try to print it on bright colored paper, so that it pops more on the paper - the kids love it! buuuuut, sometimes I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off and I forget to put the color paper in the printer. haha.... oh well. 

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