Back 2 School Giveaways with my Owls!

You guys.

I go back to work in TWO weeks. Isn't that crazy?! This summer has just gone by so quickly!! We've been so busy! If you follow my person blog, {A Splash of Life}, you've seen that we've been having a lot of fun this summer! We are are trying to live it up the last few weeks, too!

Anyway, I've gotten together with my Owl-Girls to give you an AWESOME giveaway!

Seriously -  how awesome! You can use any of these cards to really help out your classroom!

PLUS you can enter EACH of our own giveaways!! Holla!!

Make sure you head over to the {Owl-Ways be Inspired blog} to enter to win!  BUT AFTER you enter here! You can win $50 to spend in {my store}!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Amanda Kendall said...

Hi Jen! The teachers in my district go back August 17th and the students join us the following week. BTW, I loved your post about your classroom library and your book markers. That's a great idea! I gave up on scanning my books too. I figure a few books go missing every year, but that's just life. More room for me to continue to fuel my book buying addiction. :)

ksteacher81 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah P said...

Teachers go back August 3 for inservice week, and the kids start on August 10!

ksteacher81 said...

I go back August 4th and the kiddos start the 10th. Way to early!

Unknown said...

I go back August 18.

Kathleen C. said...

Teachers go back to school September 3rd but students aren't back until September 9th!

Heather said...

Hi Jen, teachers in our district report back August 24th, and students start back the's going to be here before we know it! =)

Lisa Marshall said...

Teachers: August 14
Students: August 17

Unknown said...

Teachers go back Aug. 6th and students return on the 20th!

Liz said...

I go back on August 5th and students start on August 13th.

Mrs Hobbs said...

As a new teacher I would love to get some extra help in the $$$ department lol I have spent so much all ready but I am so excited to meet my class! I have 3 weeks left! So excited! I love your blog, so helpful!
~Alysse Hobbs

Anonymous said...

I go back to school September 14th! I have a year round school! =)

Ashley Bolton/Hanging Out WIth Miss. B said...

Hi Jen, we start school on August 14th!

Unknown said...

We go back in Western New York on September 9th, still enjoying summer for another 7 weeks!

Jen~Two Little Birds

Karen F. said...

We go back on August 17th and the kiddos start the following Monday! I am in NC. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

We go back the first week of Sept. And the kiddos come back Sept. 8th!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure why it's coming up unknown. My name is Amy lauerman :)

new to 2nd said...

Teachers return Monday the 27th -- one week left of summer vacation!

Unknown said...

Teachers' workshop week is Aug 31-Sept 4, we start with students Tuesday Sept 8th! MN has always been a later state!

Unknown said...

Teachers report August 10th and our students return on August 17th!

Thoughts on Third said...

Hi there! Teachers go back on August 17th, our little friends join us on August 24th :)

Unknown said...

I go back to school August 19th--thank goodness. I LOVE your products! Best wishes for a terrific 2015-16 school year!!!

Test said...

Teachers go back the first week of September and Meet the Teacher is on the 8th.

megan said...

Teacher go back the first week of Sept and the kids start Sept 8

Teaching Autism said...

We only just finished on Friday, so a full 6 blissful weeks to look forward to - wahoo!! :)

Teaching Autism

Second grade teacher said...

We go back August 24!

Unknown said...

We go back the last week in August for 2 days of PD and the kids come after that! We didn't get out of school until June 26th! I teach in NY.

karen @ Smarticle Particles said...

Teachers report August 13th, students start August 24th! Thanks!!

Jessica said...

Teachers go back August 12th, kiddos start on August 19th!

jenny said...

School starts August 26 for kids! Agust 12 for me.

Ms. Hoag said...

Kids on August 19th, teachers technically the 17th but I'll be back early!

Kerry said...

We don't go back until the end of August! The students start September 8th!

ccteach said...

I'm in Stafford Va and I go back Aug 31. Kids come back Sept 8.

Unknown said...

I go back on August 17th.

Victoria B said...

Teachers go back on August 10th here. We aren't allowed back into our classrooms until the first week of August, so it is going to be a mad dash to get set up in time!

Melanie Miday-Stern said...

Teachers report Aug 17, Kids report Aug 24. I've been in and out of the school since it is a new building for all the teacher's I worked with over the past few years. Our school was closed and consolidated with another school.

Anonymous said...

First day with kids is August 20th!

Owl Teach said...

August 18th for me, 24th for the kids.

Anonymous said...

We go back August 4th with kids starts Aug. 10th.

Brad said...

We go back August 17th, kiddos August 24th

Mrs. Schlickbernd said...

I start back on the 10th of August. I'm leading a workshop for another school district on Daily 5. The rest of my district comes back on August 11. Kids come back August 13.

RTotty said...

August 13th, a Thursday! Seems a bit random to me, but the next day is a work day, yay!

Unknown said...

My students start back on August 6th.

Gloria Mayers said...

Greetings! We return Aug. 17th but our students come back on the 18th!

anakasato said...

We go back to meetings August 17th. Students start August 24th.

first grade teacher said...

I go back Sept, 2nd and kids come Sept. 9th.

Unknown said...

Mid August

Julie Davis said...

I go back July 27th and kids come back August 3rd

Unknown said...

Teachers go back August 5th and students go back August 12th

Lauren said...

We can start in our rooms August 17th, but official pre-week isn't until August 24th. The kids come on August 31st.

Unknown said...

All teachers in my district return Aug. 17th for inservice and the students return on the 24th. :)

Mrs. Davison said...

Sept. 2, 2015 boo!

Regina H said...

We go back August 17th and the students join us the following week.

Unknown said...

August 24th here in NC!

Stacie Guerra said...

We go back the 17th and kids come back the 24th. :)

Sarah McReynolds said...

I am already back in school. I started last Tuesday.

Coley said...

I go back Aug. 17th, but students don't go back until Aug. 24th.

Unknown said...

Back to school August 31st :)

Kate said...

I go back August 17th!

tll6601 said...

We go back August 3 & the kiddos come on August 10.

Unknown said...

Teachers go back August 31st. Kids go back Sept. 8th!

Unknown said...

We have Meet the Teacher Night on August 21, with the First Day on August 25. I worked all day today unpacking books. Where did Summer go? It has been cold and rainy in Ohio :(

Miss Lawhead said...

August 12th for teachers! 19th for students!

Jennifer said...

In my distict, teachers go back August 18, students August 24.

Unknown said...

We go back Aug. 19.

Lisa Sonenshine said...

July 27th for teachers and August 3rd for kids

chanelle28 said...

August 7 for teachers and 12 for students.

Amber Unger said...

I'm so excited for this giveaway! Thanks for putting it on. I'm changing school districts, so since I am a "new" teacher again, I go back on August 19th, but the kiddos do not come back until September 1st. PS - I use spray painted paint sticks in our classroom library in the same way!

Lori R said...

August 24th

Tina said...

I go back August 4th.

Karyn said...

We go back Augtust 27 and the kids come back August 31!

Melissa Reed said...

Teachers go back 8/26, kiddos on 9/1!

Brice248 said...

I return August 3rd and students start August 6th.

Unknown said...

Teachers go back in TWO weeks :((((

M&M Bilingual said...

Go back August 17th :)

Markisha said...

I go back August 17th.

Mrs. Davies said...

Teachers go back the 12th of August....students the 19th!

stuchaca said...

August 17th, kids start August 25th. It takes so long for summer to get here and then its over before you know it, but it is still exciting to start a new year each August.

Sara said...

I go back in about 3 weeks! Ugh!!

Unknown said...

I go back on August 12th!

CL said...

Our official start for teachers is Aug 27. However, I usually go back at least one week early as we have lots to unpack in Kindergarten.

Cindy E. said...

We officially go back on August 18, but we can get back in our classrooms on August 12th. I will be back then to get my room together before the official dates start.

smarchesani said...

We go back the first week in September !Summer is going by so quickly 😀

Unknown said...

End of August.

Deb said...

Hi! I love your blog and all the wonderful products you create! I start back to school on August 17th and my kiddos arrive on the 18th. Next week I'll be headed down to your home state for a week of fun in the sun and sand with my family! Can't wait!

Mrs. Pick said...

Students start on Aug 24. I have to go back a week before, way to soon!

Erika Turner said...

August 6

Unknown said...

Not until the first week in September!! But we didn't get out until the week before July :)

Mrs. Wathen said...

We go back August 17th! Looking forward to enjoying 4 more weeks of vacation!!

The Resourceful Apple

Danica said...

Our first day with students is August 12th!

Unknown said...

We officially return August 10 with the students following on August 17. We have training to attend on August 3, a school wide training on August 4 and class assignment day August 6. Although summer is almost over, I have to say I enjoyed every single second!

Sam said...

August 10th! So excited to get started on my first year of teaching!

Tanya said...

August 17 is the first day back for teachers. Too soon.

Unknown said...

Teachers go back August 3rd and students August 7th.

ldemello said...

we have an optional professional development day on 7/22, otherwise teachers report on 7/23.

Unknown said...

We go back on August 18th, four school days before the kiddos start!

Anonymous said...

I start back on September 1. Excited to be going back into the classroom after spending the last 5 years as a reading specialist.

kellydeannab said...

I go back to school on August 24 for 3 days of teacher in-service. The first day for students is August 27.

Unknown said...

We are going back wwaayyy early this year! Teachers start on July 31, "Meet and Greet" is on Aug. 7, and the kids start on August 10.
Getting busy... :)

Unknown said...

Our kids first day is August 19th. Our official first day back is August 17th. Hoping to get into my classroom next week!

Mrs. Brown said...

We go back in August....for a week of workdays and then the students come the next week on Monday!

Unknown said...

6 weeks!

Unknown said...

We report back Aug. 18th.

SuperLuper said...

We go back August 16th and kids come back August 19th.

hsease said...

Kids come August 13th.

04 teacher said...

Teachers go back August 10th and the kids come back the 17th.

Anonymous said...

Sept 1 is kids first day. mine is Aug 27

Unknown said...

Teachers go back August 10th for teacher training. Students come back August 23rd.

Noora D said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I go back to school Sept. 9th.

Krystyne said...

We go back to school August 17th, and the kiddos come back August 24th here in Florida!
Thanks for the chance to win! Hope you're having a great summer!

Unknown said...

Teachers go back on August 13th and students come back August 24th!!

Unknown said...

I go back to school on August 19th. Kids come back on the 24th.

Laura Breunig said...

I go back at the end of August :)

Unknown said...

Officially I go back August 3rd. I'll be working in my room before then!

evitafjord said...

I'm new to the district, so I go back on August 14, all teachers on August 17, students join us on August 24.

Christine said...

Hi Jen,

I am currently in Grad School and will be beginning my student teaching experience this year. The school I will be teaching at goes back on August 17 but I do not report until August 24. I am very excited to be beginning this journey!!!

~ Christine

Amanda said...

We officially return Aug. 13, and have Meet the Teacher night Aug. 17. First day of school with kiddos is Aug. 24th! However, I will probably be up in my classroom before any of those days preparing things. :)

Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Unknown said...

August 10th for teachers.

Unknown said...

August 18 w/ students. However, our entire school had to move to temp facilities while our current is school is being remodeled. We will move back after a 13 million rebuild. They say one year. fingers crossed. I started back today with the unpacking.

Lesli said...

August 24

Susan said...

August 10th for teachers and Aug. 17th for students.

asf said...

I go back next Wednesday, July 29th! (So early!) The kids start August 11th.

Krystal said...

Teachers go back August 17; students the 24th!

Miss Alissa said...

Teachers go back August 31 and students go back September 8th.

Glenna said...

Teachers start back Aug. 14 and students the Wednesday after.

Jen said...

In 28 days

Unknown said...

I see my students smiling faces on August 17th!

I love your blog design!!!
Tales of Teaching with Tech

Kylie Shuman said...

August 24

Joyfully Teaching said...

We have some meetings in August but the kids come back Sep. 8

Michelle S said...

Thanks for the chance to win :)

Shannon Govern said...

My very first day with students is August 20th!

Unknown said...

After my summer school contract is over on August 20th, I go back on August 31st, students return September 8th!

Unknown said...

August 17th...sigh...

Anonymous said...

Open house is August 24th. Students come August 26th. I'm extremely excited to move to third grade this year! :)

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