Wish List Wednesday - Phonics Notebook

It's Wish List Wednesday!!

This week is my {Hands On Phonics Notebook}!

Here's what's included:

Here are a few pictures of it when I taught 2nd grade a few years ago. You can check out {this} post to see more.

It has titles for all kinds of phonics rules...

In the dictionary section, we would write all kinds of words; spelling, sight, and "how do you spell" words. I wouldn't let them ask me how to spell a word unless they had their notebook open and ready for me to write it down.

There is also a category section, for months, holidays, and other categories.

And {here} is how we put it together.

Enter to win on the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you want to link up, you can grab the picture below and put all your pictures and details on it! Make sure you link back to this post!

Check out all the other great Wish List Wednesdays from other bloggers!


Win a Chance to Capture Summer!

Happy First Day of Summer!!!

Woohoo!!!  I mean, it's been summer, here in FL, for a while now, but it is officially the first day of summer!  And to celebrate, I have gotten together with some fabulous bloggers to bring your an awesome giveaway!!

Did you see all the goodies included in this giveaway!? I mean, HOLY CANNOLI, people!  You can win a Canon Rebel, a 50mm lens, AND a Jo Totes?! 

Seriously. This camera bag is SO cute!! I don't have a camera bag like this. I think I need one now!

I actually don't have a Canon. I have a Nikon, but I used to have a Canon (it got destroyed in a car accident...because I always have my camera wherever I go!).

These are the kinds of shots you can do with the 50 mm lens... you can do those "blur" shots without even trying! (I did not edit these photos at all! I just uploaded them as they were!)

My baby girl is 7 months old now!!

It captures such details... you can see the water dripping off Autumn's arm so crystal clear!

So if you want to enter for a chance to win... and let's face it... why wouldn't you!?  Enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Wish List Wednesday - Math with a Deck of Cards!

For this Wish List Wednesday, it's one of my favorite packs (well, actually TWO of my favorite packs!); 
Math with a Deck of Cards

I seriously use cards for EVERYTHING math related. I don't think a math concept that goes by without us busting out the math cards.

Here are some activities that we've used them for...

I had more pictures, but with the great computer crash of October 2014, I lost them :( boo! But as you can see, I use them in centers, small group teaching, partner activities, and fast finishers!

If you want to see how I keep them all organized, check out {THIS} post. I'm normally not a binder girl, but for certain things, I am... and this is one of those things!

I have one for 1st Grade and one for 2nd grade and up!

Click {HERE} to see the original Math with a Deck of Cards and {HERE} for the 1st grade edition!

Enter to win on the Rafflecopter below! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Click below to see some more Wish List Wednesday items!

If you want to play along, here's a blank button for you to use! Just add your own details to it :)


Summer Bucket List Linky

Hey friends! So this week starts week 3 of my summer vacation, and so far we've been having a lot of fun in the sun!! You can follow me over at my other blog, A Splash of Life Blog to see what we've been up to...and to follow my fitness journey! I actually post a lot over there - life, recipes, fitness journey, DIYs, and random thoughts!

But today I'm linking up with Natalie over at What the Teacher Wants for a Summer Bucket List.

So here's my bucket list for this year.


NONE!! It's true!! I have NOTHING I want to do this summer for school!  You know why?? Because I got so much of it done before I left at the end of school. You can check out my post {HERE} on what I did before I left.

I even got my scope and sequence finished with my teammate before we left! Check {THIS} post to see where I got this beautiful calendar from!

Sooooo, since I worked like crazy before the end of the year to get ready for net year, my list of things to do this summer is pretty non-existent. I might have one or two things on there, but I don't remember what they are...haha!  Which is nice because last summer I worked my TAIL off since I was moving to a new school, new room set-up, and a new grade! It was a crazy BTS for me (Remember when I brought that HUGE U-Haul to school with all my crap stuff and I had to get it all organized and looking pretty??), and I'm so thankful that I don't have to go through that again!


Since it's summer time, I actually have time to workout like I want! I get to go back to bootcamp in the mornings (yes, at 5:30 in the morning!) and sometimes I get to workout again in the evening!

and sometimes I get to do Sunrise Yoga on the beach or run on the beach! I mean, seriously... I love living here!

Another goal of mine is to get Baby C's room done. I mean, the poor girl still doesn't have a room! haha! She does, but it's been used as the store-room while we've been in construction.  That's ok - she sleeps in our room anyway.  I did however get the crib up finally. Not that it's being used, but I thought that maybe that'd be my push to get the rest of the room done.  Yeah.. not so much. lol

I also really want to get the backyard done. It's nothing but a big land of DIRT and "clay" from the pool construction and between the dogs and the kids, my house and back porch are DISGUSTINGLY dirty All. The. Time.

I actually just  cleaned out the entire back porch; tables and chairs and playhouse all went outside for me to scrub them and then I pressure washed the porch floor. SO. MUCH. BETTER!

I actually scrubbed everything with doTERRA's On Guard Cleaning Concentrate. I love it!! And I know that it's safe for my little ones too... If you want to check out more on doTERRA you can check out my page {HERE}.


yeah.. you can probably guess that my fun goals are to visit the beach as much as possible... yep!! 
I mean, why would you NOT want to go to a play that just makes you happy as soon as you walk up?! I mean just LOOK at this!

To play in OUR pool.. it's almost done...we're just waiting for a day that is NOT going to rain to get the pool plastered.... but HELLLLLO?!? It's summer time in Florida - it rains EVERY day in the summer!!  One day....

and my birthday trip.... every year on my birthday we go on a trip. It's my birthday present to myself. And a tradition. That's the problem with having a summer birthday. No one is usually around to celebrate (when you're a kid) so it's been a long-time tradition to go somewhere for my birthday. I haven't decided where to this year... maybe back down to the Keys?!  I don't know.

Make sure you come follow me at my other blog to keep up with what we're doing for fun, watch the girls grow, share my fitness journey with me, and just listen to my ramblings!

A Splash of Life

You can also like my A Splash of Life Facebook Page
And follow my other IG accounts:
Thanks for the linky, Natalie!


Wish List Wednesday - Vocabulary Journal

Today's the first in this summer's Wish List Wednesday!  With this summer series, each Wednesday, I'll look to see which of my items in my TpT store has been put in your wishlist the most! Then I'll do a giveaway and put that item on sale. The giveaway will only last Wednesday and the sale will end Friday.

Every year, this is on my list of things to get done before I leave for summer vacation. I blogged about everything I try to get done {HERE} if you want to see everything else I get ready.  I like to send this off to our print shop in our district. I like for them to copy them and spiral bind them. And it's WAY cheaper than going to an office supply store.

I've blogged about them before {HERE}.

So here is what's included...

Here's a close up of how it's used. This is the 2nd grade version (when I taught 2nd), there are different writing lines for the 1st grade and Kinder kids if you need those lines!

So enter below in the rafflecopter! Remember, the giveaway is only for Wednesday and the sale ends Friday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Also, If you want to do a Wish List Wednesday, you can link up below!

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