Wishlist Wednesday - Family Monthly Projects...and a new blog design!

It's Wishlist Wednesday - a little late!

Sorry guys! I forgot to prewrite my post and this morning was ALL about getting the stuff out of my storage unit and into my class. Today was the day. Ron had off of work and the sitter could take the girls and my principal said that they custodians said I could move in. The stars had aligned for me! haha!


To get all of that together at one time is a miracle.

My poor husband. His pregnant wife can't do any of the moving because of the "heavy lifting rule" and the fact that it was about 105 heat index. So he did it. ALL. Bless his heart.

Here's a sneak peek of what transpired today. I feel so sorry for him.

Yep. That's a U-Haul.

He hates me.

I deserve it. haha!

Anyway. Back to the matter at hand.
(I have slight ADHD...can you tell!?)

Today, my Monthly Family Projects packs is up! 

I love this pack. Every month, I send home a project for the families to do together. The project changes each month. There is also a writing component that goes with it. 

I posted about my February one, which you can check out HERE, and there's a freebie for February you can download so you can see what it's really like!

Check it out in my shops:

You can grab it on sale until Friday night!

Enter below for a chance to win it! Since I posted the giveaway late, I'll pick a winner Thursday night at 7:00p.m. EST. They sale will go until Friday as usual.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

oh! One more thing. 

I just LOVE my blog design over here on my teacher blog. 

So I hired Megan to makeover my personal blog too!! I L-O-V-E it!!  Come check it out!!  PLUS, you can read about how I spent my birthday...because 


A Splash of Life

Come check out my new design and see how talented she is! :)

OH!! AND I'm loving all of the Teacher Totes!!  If you get a chance, check out my linky with all the cool teacher bags out there. I see a common pattern with a few brands.

Ok. I think I'm done now. 


Debra said...

Ooooh! Am I number 1. Love the family project idea. Thanks for the opportunity to win the pack! mrsrastin@rogers.com

Sandra Jude said...

The birth of my third grandchild on July 17th!!

Chasity said...

This has been on my wish list for awhile. I love everything you make!

Unknown said...

I have been eyeing this for MONTHS! I think it's brilliant and the fact you've already done the hard work...the stars are aligning for me as well!

When I was 9 months pregnant, I laid in an inflatable pool and watched my hubby build a stone living area/fire pit in our backyard. He hated me too!

Unknown said...

Spending time with my grandchildren! I love your monthly family projects! Great ideas!

Unknown said...

ROFL laughing. We always say to read directions before you begin...oops! My favorite summer moment has been sitting on the porch in the evenings with my family watching the boys catch fireflies.

Oodles of Teaching Fun said...

I love your new blog design!

Oodles of Teaching Fun

Cori Wolff said...

I have been drooling over this baby for awhile! Looks AMAZING!! What a great way to include home connections. :)
My favorite summer moment this summer was my daughter learning to ride her bike without training wheels

Unknown said...

I want! I want! I want!!

Patrice said...

My favorite family moment has been celebrating my grandfather's 90th birthday! He has more energy than I do after drinking a venti café Americano from Starbucks!

Sarah P said...

Every moment with my family this summer was my favorite!! (Was that too cliche??) My son turned 1 in May, so we started the summer off with a birthday party! I am so blessed that I was home to experience so many firsts with him...first steps to walking, then running! First words: "All gone!" Clapping, spinning, my list can go on and on!

Toya said...

My favorite family moment this summer was taking my son and his "friend girl" :) to the Botanical Gardens and watching them have a cart wheel race across the grounds!

Carly Kaczmarek said...

I loved playing in the pool with my sweet 18 month old niece. Also, I loved her falling asleep on me, as it doesn't happen too much anymore.

Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

My favorite family moment??? Just getting to be a stay-at-home mom for the month of July. I actually wish I could always be a SAHM, but I can't. So I appreciate every little extra second I do get with my kiddos.

Unknown said...

My husband and I recently bought a house (during the end of the school year HA that was fun!) Our families have been so amazing and helpful with all of our little projects here and there! So those are the family moments that I will remember most this summer, the ones when you laugh so hard you cry!

I'm new to the blogging world and just started my first blog! Hope you can follow me too!




Melodee said...

what a nice hubby! I can't believe it's back to work already :)

shanar said...

Favorite family summer memory was visiting Colorado with my parents, my family, and my sister's family. A lot of laughs, giggles and new memories were made.

Amanda said...

telling my five year old that he is going to be a big brother. :)

Amy Dodd said...

Getting to spend as much time with my 12 year old as possible and the many beach trips we take in the summer! It's a good thing we live in Florida and not too far from the beach!

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I have loved my summer off because I get to hold, love, and babysit my new baby granddaughter, Andi! She is so precious and beautiful.mi am excited for your new baby to be, Jen! And you JOG! And look radiant! My class last year was perhaps the one with the least amount of family interest and involvement, sadly, so I love your set! Thank you. ThePaperPumpkin@aol.com

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

My favorite thing this summer was camping with my family. We caught a mess of fish and had a great time together.

Sarah McReynolds said...

My favorite thing this summer was spending time with my cute 9 month old nephew.

Barbara said...
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Barbara said...

Loved spending early mornings on the deck with my husband and a cup of coffee! Your family projects look awesome!

Unknown said...

My family went zip lining at a resort in Durango, CO this summer and it was so much fun!! :)

charleen said...

This looks like a great way to get families involved. Love it!

Becki said...

My brother and I threw a surprise party for my parents to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They were shocked! It was so fun!

Jenny said...

I love getting to spend extra time with my fur babies!!

Mrs. Brown said...

I loved going to the beach with our family and friends!


LaNessa said...

My favorite family moment this summer has been individual alone time with each of the kids.

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