It's Wishlist Wednesday - a little late!
Sorry guys! I forgot to prewrite my post and this morning was ALL about getting the stuff out of my storage unit and into my class. Today was the day. Ron had off of work and the sitter could take the girls and my principal said that they custodians said I could move in. The stars had aligned for me! haha!
To get all of that together at one time is a miracle.
My poor husband. His pregnant wife can't do any of the moving because of the "heavy lifting rule" and the fact that it was about 105 heat index. So he did it. ALL. Bless his heart.
Here's a sneak peek of what transpired today. I feel so sorry for him.
Yep. That's a U-Haul.
He hates me.
I deserve it. haha!
Anyway. Back to the matter at hand.
(I have slight ADHD...can you tell!?)
Today, my Monthly Family Projects packs is up!
I love this pack. Every month, I send home a project for the families to do together. The project changes each month. There is also a writing component that goes with it.
I posted about my February one, which you can check out HERE, and there's a freebie for February you can download so you can see what it's really like!
Check it out in my shops:
You can grab it on sale until Friday night!
Enter below for a chance to win it! Since I posted the giveaway late, I'll pick a winner Thursday night at 7:00p.m. EST. They sale will go until Friday as usual.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
oh! One more thing.
I just LOVE my blog design over here on my teacher blog.
So I hired Megan to makeover my personal blog too!! I L-O-V-E it!! Come check it out!! PLUS, you can read about how I spent my birthday...because

Come check out my new design and see how talented she is! :)
OH!! AND I'm loving all of the Teacher Totes!! If you get a chance, check out my linky with all the cool teacher bags out there. I see a common pattern with a few brands.
Ok. I think I'm done now.