It's a GORGEOUS day outside today and probably about 69/70 degrees....PERFECT day....and I am stuck inside with my baby B who is sick. My poor B....for the last week and a half, I have been dealing with sick kiddos...first A, now B...and my mom is visiting to boot! Needless to say, I haven't gotten much work done - planning for school, blogging/creating, work around the's been a very stressful week....but, I think everyone's on the road to recovery!
So, let me get you caught up a LITTLE bit (I've been a bad picture taker in the classroom too!)
OH, FIRST, let me tell you what happened to me the other day!!
My principal walks in the other day for my informal observation (unannounced...which doesn't bother me...come whenever you want!)...but she doesn't walk in alone....she comes in with some guy in a tie and notepad in his hand. They're both walking around taking notes as I teach, they even stopped at my Common Core I Can statements hanging up and were taking notes!
and then they start talking to my kids....the guy even does our partner reading for our fluency with our poetry journal....I'm not doing anything special - just going about my business....well, after about 30 minutes or so, they leave my room and then go into the pod to talk for a bit...still kind of watching me....that's ok, whatever. I just keep on tuckin'
Well, our speech teacher walks in and says, "I almost came in to talk to you about so-and-so, but then I saw the superintendent in your room...."
I'm sorry, WHAT?!
Yeah...the superintendent was in my room....watching me teach.....NOW I'm a little!!!
Needless to say, I went to my PAL that day and was like "heeeeeyyy....thanks for bringing the SUPER into my room!! lol" She laughed knowing that I was "very appreciative" having him there...nice....well, here's hoping he liked what he saw!'s what we've been up to lately...
You saw my pumpkin symmetry post . If not, then click {HERE}
Well, we did our actual pumpkin day on Wednesday - I don't have any pictures of our centers and rotations that we did measuring, weighing, and working with pumpkins....but here are some of the things I did get pictures of...
Sorting seeds into groups of tens
The, we took each groups "numbers" (how many tens and ones they had) and added them all up - we were practicing the fact that if you have more than 9 tens, it would put you into the hundreds....
(sorry it's not pretty - just real life this
Then we planted them....
and watered...
and now we're watching them grow!
We started our observation chart in our science notebook, but I don't have a picture of that yet - sorry!
And our cafeteria baked them for us! They were scrumdillyumptious!
In math, we've switched out all the pages in our Numbers Every Day journals...and we're moving on up to 3 digit numbers! The kids are so in awe that they're doing 3 digit numbers already!
And we're also using my Math with a Deck of Cards to practice a lot of other skills too...
2-digit addition...
Addition and subtraction war....
Making numbers (3-digit numbers!)....
and adding 10s to numbers...
OH! ANNNNND we have 2 kids who have passed their 1-minute timed quizzes (from my Tasty Fact Quizzes) and are moving on up to subtraction next week!! wooo!!
In phonics, we've been working with Blends (onset and rimes match-ups)
And suffixes.... this one was changing y to i - we've been adding words and "Rules" into our dictionaries and phonics notebooks.
We've also been working on Bats and Stellaluna....I don't have too many pictures, just because I've been crazy busy - never having one second to
We did a summarizing with SWBSF....
The kids glued the help sheet into their readers notebooks, and then wrote out the summary on the next page. I checked over it, and them they got their neat copy to write and illustrate on.
We also did a sequencing activity, where I gave them some events and they put the events in order...
Then they cut them out and glued them into their book and illustrated the cover and events on the pages.
Ok....whew!! I think that's all I have for now....
If you want to see any of the things I posted about in this post, click the pictures below!

You have been soooooo busy!!
I love it all! My kids are going to play War this week the old fashioned way and then I think we need to work up to your way!
I would have died about the Super. And then it would have been an entire blog post all by itself.
I hope your family feels better soon!
haha! it really was a big deal the day of...and had I time that day to blog about it, I probably would've JUST done a post on THAT! lol
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