I've spent the better part of today updating some of my packs. I think that's actually harder than making NEW stuff sometimes! ha!
SO, here is what I've updated:
My Back to School Literacy and Math packs.
There are now SIX centers!!
Included is cover pages, B/W student response sheets, and these six centers:
Sorting Supplies - ABC order
School Sentence Scramble - you can do 3 sets or 6 sets of scrambled sentences
School Syllables - sorting one and two syllable words
School Day Writing - using up to THREE different word banks
Label A Day at School - students can use a word bank to label a picture, add in their own art to it, then write a caption.
Silly School Words - sorting real and nonsense words, writing in columns with an option to extend by having them write sentences.
Sorting Supplies - ABC order
School Sentence Scramble - you can do 3 sets or 6 sets of scrambled sentences
School Syllables - sorting one and two syllable words
School Day Writing - using up to THREE different word banks
Label A Day at School - students can use a word bank to label a picture, add in their own art to it, then write a caption.
Silly School Words - sorting real and nonsense words, writing in columns with an option to extend by having them write sentences.
For my Back to School Math centers, I added a 6th center, so here is what it includes now!
Cover pages with directions, B/W student response sheets, and these six centers:
Time to Color - Time to the hour and half hour - use both, or just the hour!
Counting Supplies - counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s
Handy Helper Fact Sorting - sorting facts that equal either 7, 8, 9, or 10
Recess Tallies - matching tally marks to numbers
Double the Supplies - a game board that lets them practice their doubles facts
Fact Families - match up the problems that belong in the same family
AND, I've bundled them for you now!
So if you want the bundle at a discount price, check them out HERE!
If you want to shop on the blog, enter the code SALSA (it's what I'm snacking on right now lol!)...Good for 25% off and good through 17th!

1 comment
I agree. Updating is harder at times!
Swimming into Second
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