Alphabet and Vocabulary Journals

I really like the interactive, student-created notebook and journals. You know that I have my Hands-On Dictionary and Phonics Notebook....

Well, I just finished two more notebooks...

The first one I did was an Alphabet Journal

If you follow my Instagram, then you saw this picture

A was all excited to be my model for the Alphabet Journal.

I like to bind the journal together, but you can glue the cover to a the front of a 3-pronged folder.

Inside are two pages practice sheets for the alphabet. 

*Tip - laminated them so the students can practice with dry erase markers!

Check it out!

And then the other one I finished is a Vocabulary Journal.

I set it up the same way, with my binding machine.

For ease of flipping through the pages, I put the letters in stars at the top of the pages.

Here's what it looks like when it's finished...

The "Rate it!" is what they do AFTER they finish the entry on the word. They are rating how well they feel THEY know the word, and how comfortable they are using it.

Check it out!

Now....I've been saying this, but now I PROMISE the next thing on my list is the 3rd Grade Spelling Throughout the Year!


Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

Those journals look fab!

Journey Of A Substitute Teacher

Suzy Q said...

Love your vocab journal! As you might imagine, our vocab scores are usually the lowest part of our standardized test scores.

When do you find time to do everything? You make me look like a sloth!

Unknown said...

these all looks pretty awesome, i love to try making these for my kid..i am sure she would appreciate it

scrabble two letter cheat sheet

Amy Johnston said...

Oh I love the vocabulary journal! love! Pinned and wishlisted....thank you!

What Happens in First Grade

Bobbi said...

I love the vocabulary journal...perfect for my bilingual kiddos who need to raise their vocabulary for state testing!

Bitty Bilinguals

Room 214-Ms. Wenzel's Blog said...

WOW...your students are lucky to have you! Impressed by your posts and materials :)

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