the picture of the plans (or click HERE), and it'll take you to a PDF document to download...when you download the PDF, you can click on all the pictures and links to take you where you can find all the activities (TpT, blogposts, websites, or Freebies!)
There are a few freebies in there so make sure you click the pick to snag them!
One of the things that I'm going to be using that's not in my plans is Gladys' St. Patty pack - (I just love all of her stuff!) I'm using the vocab cards for my writing word wall and then there are TONS of fun activities to do, but I'm going to have my Independent intervention kids do the evaluation page in her pack one day...
And I am SO super excited about Jessica's animal craft pack!! This thing has EVERYTHING and it came at the perfect time so I could do the alligator craft!
I'm also going to use my Ahoy! OY words pack for morning work when they walk in in the mornings - like the walk around the room and the word configuration.
SOOOO.....I'm getting observed by my A.P. on Monday during math - yep. I don't really care about getting observed. Really.... come on in whenever you feel like it. And NOW that my binder is finished (did you see that post??), I actually don't feel any stress at all. I'm not planning anything special. She's just going to see what I normally do.... because THAT'S how I REALLY teach! It makes me SO mad when I see teachers planning these "horse and pony" shows for their admin. I like getting evaluated on how I REALLY teach - tell me what I'm doing wrong, if I am doing something wrong so I can fix it! You know!?
Sorry... I digress.
I'm just going to be doing an activity from my Deck of Cards pack - which is normal for us, so my kids won't be going crazy seeing the cards.
And on Friday, we're going BACK to fun with food! ha! This week we're going to be doing some math with Lucky Charms!
If you liked my Fish Math pack, then here's my Marshmallow Math pack!
I changed things up a little bit and added a little more - I can't wait to do it with my kids! This is another activity they love to do. I do it every year with them. Although sometimes they change up the marshmallows, so it confuses me - ha!
Here's what's included this time...
Sorting mats
Tally Graph
Bar graph
Think About It
Write About It
Journal Prompts
And for science we're going to be doing magnets.....just gotta find my magnet box that has all kinds of centers in it - haha!
Here's what my actual center menu looks like this week....
I'm starting my St. Patty centers this week too! I'm taking TWO weeks to do them, now that I'm only doing 4 centers a week...I like this much kids just can't handle doing more than that this year for some reason.
Ok - so I THINK that's it?! I don't know.
I'm sure that I left something out.
Who knows. I'll remember something later to add
And I leave you with my favorite pictures of the week - there are a lot this time
My girl is getting so big - sliding down a slide all by herself just made her the happiest!
Stopped to see Daddy at work one day....
"can you hear me now?!"
Nothing better than some good ole fashion fun with our friends outside on a beautiful day!
Have a wonderful day, my friends!

So sweet!
Your kiddos are just too cute! :)
Thanks for the shout out!!
Love the week's plans! :)
First Grade and Fabulous
Love your girls, they are so beautiful!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Your girls are so cute! Oh...and thanks for the shout out!
The girls are adorable as always. :D
Thanks for including my freebie in your week!
What's the template you use for your visual plans?
I love your writers workshop time! That is my weakness and yours is amazing! I will be checking your plans next week to help me out!!
Fluttering In First
Great visual plans for the week!
I just added your Deck of Math unit to my TPT cart!
Have a great week!
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
I love seeing pictures of your girls, they are adorable.
The First Grade Princess
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