Yes - I'm shouting! lol.
Crazy full moon kids!
Seriously... ANYONE else have CUH RAY ZEEEEE kids this week???
I'm exhausted. Pooped.
Anyway, let me show you what we've been doing -
This post is a hodgepodge of Penguins, writing, cause and effect, money, and LOTS of pictures!!
We're still working on our Penguin Non-Fiction book -
We took our planning pages to write the sloppy copy
I conferenced with them after each section,
then they started their neat copy to using their sloppy copy...
We also started reading the Snowmen at... series of books.
I'm using some activities out of Lori's pack - love it!
And for our imitation sentences this week, we've been working on linking verbs and cause and effect.
SO, I turned it into a little mini-assessment of cause and effect on the book...
and there were a few different answers they could have given me... just as long as they made since, right?!
Speaking of Cause and Effect...
One of my favorite things I do for this is my "Find a Friend" game....
I wrote a cause on one strip and an effect on the other - and they had to silently find their match.
hehe - look at that little stinker....
Another one of my favorite centers for reading came from Katie's pack...
comparative words - like big, bigger, biggest...
They totally loved it!
Our math centers revolved around Money...
These come from my Learning with Money pack...
(this one was more like a teacher-table center for some of my kids - but that's ok because I was able to see who needed help and who got the concept, right?!)
Clip It!
I Have, Who Has?
Check out my money pack
And I wanted to show you my "proud mama" picture...
This came from Caitlin's CUTE Bear pack
I printed up one of the pages for A to do
(thanks, Katie for the idea!)
and LOOK - she had so much fun doing it!
She was loving all the counting - and so was I!!lol
Here's another "proud picture"
Of COURSE I checked yes :)
Reminds me of that country song... you know the one where they have to check yes or check no??
One last thing - I'm SURE you've seen the button EVERYwhere...
(doesn't Ashley make THE cutest things?!?! My cart is FILLED with her stuff-woo!)
So make sure you go fill up your cart!! Can't wait to get my shopping on!
P.S... I don't think I've share my fave pics from last week, have I??
Well - Here they are!
Last Sunday was just SOOOO beautiful, I HAD to be outside ALL day!!
So I went for a bike ride....
And then, we went to the beach!!!
Yes, we are at the beach IN BATHING SUITS in January!
I love FL!

You've been busy! I love all the pictures. I am so jealous of your beautiful weather!!! That picture of you on your bike is too cute. It makes me want to hop on my bike...even if I'd have to pull two heavy boys in the bike trailer. :) And I. love. your. bike. Florida is looking pretty good right about now. :)
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
Seriously girlfriend, I can't take your gorgeous sunshine photos... and that cute little babe on the beach! You've got to stop. :) Love all the photos today!
ha! I actually took turns taking the girls for a ride on the back...we have a trailer but I didn't feel like hooking it up, lol!
Love the pic of you on your bike! So cute :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Wow, you weren't joking about it being a busy week! I bet the kids in your class have a great time learning, though.
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