Something new!! I had a friend go into my blog settings and add in this new little diddy ... She did it, because, well, html scares me,! ALTHOUGH, I did go in and change it from being in the center of the pictures, to the bottom right, ALL. BY. MY. SELF (yes, I know myself is one word, but I had to separate it so that you knew that's how I was saying it. lol)
Now, whenever you hover over any of the pictures, a red P for Pinterest pops up. You can click on that P and it INSTANTLY pins! woo!!!
You have to click on the P to do that, and if the mouse is on the picture, but not on the P, you can still click on the picture to get wherever the picture is hyperlinked to.
I'm so super excited about it!! Wanna know how to do it??? Check out the POST, where it tells you how!
That's my post for Katie's Techy Tuesday linky party!
Also - in other news...
I'm going to start doing a monthly newsletter!! Make sure to sign up - they'll be exclusive freebies!!
and one more thing... I apparently forgot the link for the freebies from my visual plans the other day...oops!! lol. Click the pic to go back to the post to download your freebies!
(p.s.... as I'm going through the week, I'm thinking of more ideas to add to the pack!! I will let you know when I've uploaded the newly revised pack!)
And I totally forgot yesterday was
That happens, especially with hub's schedule, since he doesn't work a 9-5, M-F job.
Here's On the Menu Monday - on Tuesday - ha!
Chicken and Corn Chowder!
It's actually my friend's recipe. She sent it to me, and it is so yummy!!
So I asked if I could share with y'all.
So - here's her recipe for it.
Start by browning garlic in a little oil, add cubed chicken and cook through.
Add chopped green onion and celery and brown.
Add about 3/4 C flour (give or take), then add milk (as much as it takes to thicken to desired consistency. Then add 1 package frozen creamed corn (already cooked, in a separate pan).
Season with salt, pepper, and blacken seasoning powder.
Top with bacon bits and green onion.
You can add or take away ingredients as you want. She's also used broccoli instead if corn and added baked potato and shredded cheese to make a potato soup.
And I leave you with some new pictures...
Today was actually cold!!! And when I say cold, I mean it was in the low-mid 60s haha!!
BUT, I thought it was cold enough to wear a scarf.
Yeah - I was wrong. I was SOOOO hot all day long!! BUT, I was determined to keep it on, though I'm not sure why, maybe because I get like all of 5 days a year to be able to look cute in winter clothes?? haha!
And just in case you needed a smile,
B has brought one to you to turn your day around!
Gosh, I could just kiss on those chubby cheeks all day!!
nom nom nom.

B is such a cutie pie!
That dish looks delish!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Jen - she is just precious! I have to try to deal with HTML and try that Pinterest thing. I have been brave before and things have worked out so I might have to try this too. Thanks for the great tip.
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
Love the scarf and the 60 degree weather here in Florida! Tomorrow may just be a scarf day for me too!
The Learning Tree
Don't know what I'd do if I couldn't wear my scarves :) But, then again...I wear them when it's 70 degrees sometimes. It's winter...even if it doesn't feel that way outside! B is such a cutie!!
Fun in Room 4B
Thanks for the Pinterest tip! I had seen that on another blog over the weekend and was wondering how to do that. Off to play around!
I added the Pinterest button thing over the weekend and I, too, was terrified messing with the HTML but I did it and it worked and so far nothing bad has happened (knock on wood).
I love the scarf! And your daughter is so cute!!
Collaboration Cuties
So excited to sign up for your newsletter!! What an awesome idea!
And since I already use your menu planner/grocery list, I suppose I can start using your recipes too!!
Thanks for all the tips, freebies, and good stuff :)
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
Checking out that Pinterest thing now! Sounds so neat. :D
You Might Be a First Grader...
The Pinterest button is great, isn't it?
Looking forward to your newsletters
Such a sweet pic of B!! And I love the scarf!
Rowdy in Room 300
B is adorable! Thanks for the link to the post about the pinterest button. I just added it to my blog! :)
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
Thanks for the info on the pinterest html stuff. I've seen it recently but haven't had the time to sit and look at it.
What i have learned
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