This week, we've been getting ready for our "Holidays Around the World" event at school. Each grade picks their own country to represent.
We chose Japan...
But in addition to getting ready for the actual event, we've been doing my "Holiday's Around the World!" pack - learning about all the different ways to celebrate "Christmas."
This kids decorated their passport cover and their information page...
So far, they've earned their stamps for Japan and Mexico... and we're in the middle of Sweden right now.
They did their poinsettas too!
(he's trying REALLY hard not to
(this one just CRACKS me up!!!
The kid in the picture is eating his Kentucky Fried Chicken and saying "nom nom nom!" hahah!)
Click the pics below to check out my pack.
Check it out!
AND our letters to Santa are written, addressed, and ready to go!!
I just love how the envelopes come out! The art of writing ACTUAL letters is becoming a lost art, so I am hoping between our pen pals and other letter writing we do, that these kids want to keep writing!
If you're looking for a template to write letters - click the pic below. It'll take you to the blog post that has the link to download them.
It's only Wednesday....I'm exhausted....
We're almost to break!!

I always love peeking into your looks Lille such a happy, fun learning environment! The envelopes are adorable!!!
*like not Lille, darn autocorrect!
Such a cutie pie! We wrote letters to Santa today too...they're just precious. :)
Gifts and santa letters are always special and therefore they should be best presented so that once down the memory lane when your kid grows up and see the letters he still enjoys it even after understanding the whole concept about Santa.
Great post just what I was looking for.
video from santa
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