I wanted to show you guys a few little math "games" I've been playing with my kiddos...
in hopes that it will help with a few math skills....
the best part??
They are already "ready" because they are in their math journals that we use every day anyway
This one, we're working on our mystery number (which is actually in the pack) -
we do this EVERY week...finding our mystery number.
and this is what their hundreds chart looks like as we get the clues...
And today...
I was working on adding 20
(because pretty soon, they are going to be adding numbers like 25 and 36, so I'm trying to get them to "see" it on a hundreds chart first)
Here's how you play.
Have two different colored dice.
We made the white one always the tens place, and the colored one the ones place.
they started with that number, then added 20 to it...
The goal of the game was to get your letter on the "board" the most.
So they rolled a 36, add 20 and the number is 56. So she put her "C" on the board
(they are in plastic sleeves, so they use dry erase markers)
54, add 20, so he put a "J" on 74.
46, add 20 is 66
(ahh!! just realized I didn't change the number for the dice over there on the left - haha!
will you forgive me?)
And if their "new" number was already taken, then they lost a turn...
Tomorrow, we're going to be adding some ones to the mix - eek!
AND tomorrow, I will show you some of the Bat stuff we've been up to!
AND...if I can find my camera, I have some other pictures to show you - yeesh! I hope I can find my camera...I would NOT be a happy camper if I lost that.
Well, I hope you saw something you cold use!

Love this! We will be starting this in our next two chapters! I will definitely be trying this with my kiddos! Thanks!
Christina Marie
Love this! We will be starting this in our next two chapters! I will definitely be trying this with my kiddos! Thanks! Christina Marie prec0ci0us~at~bellsouth.net
Thankfully, a good chunk of the posts I chose to comment on were lists of useful marketing tools. It was easy to contribute to these discussions because I literally did have to say something along the lines of, “Hey, great post, I really liked (list my favorite points from the post). It’d be great if you could take a look at my new tool, the worlds easyest game cat unblocked, as well.”
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