Adding Tens!

What started as just making one activity, turned into this:

ha!! I couldn't stop - the ideas kept coming!

This pack is created in black and white for ease of printing. It is made to be a quick set up for centers.

There are four games, or centers, to reinforce and practice adding tens: +10, +20, +30, etc.

1. “Spin to Add” - uses a deck of cards (or the cards provided in the pack) and a spinner.

2. “True or False” - sorting answered addition problems in true or false, and correcting the false problems - there is also a foldable book activity.

3. “Greater Than/Less Than” - Students solve the problem mentally, decide if the sum is greater than or less than 50, There is also a cut and paste activity for independent work.

4. “Rolling Tens” - using a game board and dice.

I had a lot of people commenting how my addition strategies pack was set up - so easy to get ready.....

So, I made this one a lot like it...

And I got it uploaded just in time for the sale!

Both stores are on sale this weekend!

Take a look below to see all my bloggy-friends who are joining in the celebration!

Ok - be on the look out for my visual plans on Sunday! woo! I really liked doing those - it really helped me to stay focused and organized! I hope you liked seeing them too.

1 comment

Leanne said...

Your adding tens pack looks great!


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