Sorry friends....I don't have a guided reading activity for you today.
A) It was career day, so we were running around like a crazy people all day!
B) I left my guided reading activities folder at school, which has all my things to do - oops!
BUT, please go check out the linky - some great things have been linked up!
This week, we've been intermixing our Science, Reading, and Math
with Charlotte's Web and farm animals. I WISH I had another week to work on the Farm theme, BUT I have to move on!!
(next is my favorite - Fall and Apples - then Spiders, Bats, Halloween - oh my!)
(AND...I'm working on my Spider unit right now...)
It started off as me using Bookflix.
I really like this site because it pairs a fiction and non-fiction book together, so you can do both genres!
(it's a paid-for website...ask your Media Specialist - that's who bought it for our school! And I LOVE IT!)
So I had them "watch" the story, "Let's Visit a Dairy Farm."
and that's what prompted this whole thing....
First....We did a sequencing activity with how to get milk from a cow to the table....
(it explains it in the book)
They did a flow chart, and then put the flow chart into word.
I needed a cute craft to go with it, so I snagged Reagan's Farm animal crafts - so cute!
p.s...I didn't have my kids use tracers. I made one (from the tracers - haha!) and let them just look at it as a guide and they came out SOOOOO cute!!!
And they did some more labeling with caption writing.
They're FINALLY starting to get the whole caption thing...the caption has to tell about the PICTURE...not something It really is a hard concept.
But they did one for a rooster too, because we've also been discussing rooster/hens (which, by the way, if you didn't know...a chicken is either a rooster or a hen... a chicken is not something I didn't know that until my parents had their own chicken coop...)
THEN, they compared and contrasted cows and chickens...using the CORRECT terms, of course.
And of course, they had to put the venn diagram into writing.
EVERYTHING is tied to writing...didn't you know??
And for math, we've started our subtraction unit/topic/whatever...
so, I decided to tie in Charlotte's Web (which is our read aloud)...
The students flipped over 2 cards and had to write their own subtraction sentence on their write boards.
THEN, after I approved their math story, they got to write their problem on a pig (Wilbur) and they wrote their math problem on the blue ribbon - it's so cute!
Darned if I don't have a picture - boo! I'll have to get one on Monday.
So anyway...there are some activities from my pack...
I don't have too many pictures because things were just sooooo busy this week...
BUT we did do a lot more that what you see here...
Cow activities: tree map, labeling with caption activity, sequencing chart with book suggestions and writing extension.
Chicken activities: tree map, labeling with caption activity for both a hen/chicken and a rooster
Compare and Contrast cow and chicken with writing extension
Living vs. Nonliving center cards as well as student product
Five sentence scrambles
sight word activity with newspaper or magazine
Favorite Character: graphing labels, math extension, and writing extension

Love it! And I LOL'ed when I read that you used a tracer but made your kids be creative ;)
Excellent article! We will be linking to this particularly great content on
our site. Keep up the good writing.
Feel free to surf my blog post GFI Norte
Career day is a great idea. It is a pity that we did not have such events when I studied at school. It is necessary to hold such events more often, show examples, share advice with the youth. For example, how to work with Linkedin. It is very great when children are prepared for the upcoming choice of their future profession.
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