from Alisha - also known as...
In her literacy pack, there are TONS of activities....
A sort activity AND cut and paste for short vowels....
here's a close-up -
A syllable sort...
There are activities for ABC order, compound words, synonyms, and antonyms...
Close - up....
THEN, there are writing activities too!!
a word bank - in color or BW with a few different options for the writing paper
and there are sequencing books - with different options for the cover...
And THIS is one of my favorites in the pack...
It's a year-long writing activity!
Super cute!!
And then all year, they write about what they "ate" for knowledge - how fun is that?!!?
and THEN...there's the sequencing headband...
LOVE it!!
There are a few more activities included in the fabulous pack....
AND there is a math pack that goes along with this - woohoo!!
Make sure you go on over and see what she has to show you over on her blog today!

So cute! I love the idea of tracking knowledge learned through the year.
How adorable!!!!
✏ Mrs. Stanford's Class ✏
❤ I hope you enjoyed the swap!! If you would like to join again the link to sign up is on my post :)
That is such a cute pack!! I am so putting that on my wishlist!! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
I love the caterpillar!
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