Being back down in 2nd grade, I realized hose many craft projects we do...
and we always laid them on the counters, but then the were always getting knocked around because that's where their files are, the pencils and pencil sharpeners are, center buckets....
and I really wanted one of those art drying racks...
you know...
something like this:
but I didn't want to spend the money on it...and I KNOW my school isn't going to,
SO, I found this:
It's just a regular $9 laundry rack....but I can fit about 18-20 pages on it when hanging them vertically.
How do I know whose is whose??
Put numbers on the clothespins of course!
LOVE my number system
and for the longer pieces, I can lay them across the racks, like this:
Now, the one problem I can see is the dripping of paint...but hopefully, they won't have that much paint or glue on their project for it to drip...if they do, they probably did it wrong anyway, right!?!

I can't believe they still have these clothes dryers. I used this for paintings when I was teaching kindergarten at my painting easel. Glad to see somethings still work.
A Time to Share & Create
Fabulous 4th Grade
I just loved your last statement. Thank you for the smile. ;)
Where Seconds Count
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Mrs.D Reading with Mrs. D
I used this years ago! You might want to get a cute shower curtain or drop coth for under it just IN CASE someone doesn't follow all the directions:)
The Resourceful Apple
What a great idea. Thanks for sharing
I love the drying rack idea! I'm always telling the kids to put their work out to dry in the hall. Thanks for the tip!
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