First off....
Have you been to Kohls lately???
Well..that's where I went to get the decor for our guest bath renovation...
THANKS for all the kind words about it!!
It's actually the bathroom the girls use (well, A for right, and everyone was like - do it in a cute kid theme! BUT, it's also the bathroom that gets used the most when people come over, even though we have the 1/2 I didn't want the men to have to pee in a Little Mermaid themed toilet or
Sorry, I digress...
You know they always have books and animals up front, right??
Well NOW they have Skippy!!!
I LOVE Skippy!!!
So of COURSE I had to get one for school...
along with one of the books I didn't have yet -

However...I THINK I might have to get another Skippy...
Looks like A has confiscated
Yes, she still loves her "Gobbles" and apparently, since B can't wear hers yet, Skippy needed
I got a call the other day that I needed to go put my room together a little bit because they were going to use my room for Jump Start (2 weeks of summer school before school starts) we had to go yesterday since it was the only day we had to go before we leave....
B worked so hard, she was tuckered!! lol
Well, it didn't take long, but 15 boxes were emptied, 8 boxes were shoved into the cabinets, 11 boxes still have my classroom books in it, and I still have my rolly-carts that still need to be unpacked.
But my room is almost unpacked...not bad! Just need to decorate.
A lot of my teacher friends were jealous that I got to go in already to unpack...but I wonder...
I'm not keen on other people teaching in my room - are you??? I'm just so OCD about things.
That's why I didn't unpack my classroom books..or decorate...I don't know who's in my room for Jump Start...but hopefully, they will be kind to me. lol. If it's anyone who knows me, then they know what I'm like about things. haha!
I wanted to take pictures of the aftermath for you, but I got so excited that it was such a clear day, so we bolted out of there~ so we could have lunch and head to the beach...
Yesterday B turned 6 months old!!!
Where ELSE do you celebrate birthdays?! lol

Happy SIX months to my happy, beautiful baby girl!!!
I can't believe it.
I was laying down with A in my arms yesterday and I was amazed that she's going to be THREE years old soon...REALLY??? WHERE did the time go???
ok - I'm off to catch up on emails before we go to the poolio today!

Oh my goodness, such a beautiful baby! And I do know what you mean about time going by so fast--my oldest is 17 and I dread that in two years he'll be off to college! I also have a 14-yr old and 12-yr old; my kids are fun to be around but sometimes I miss those early baby days!
Swersty’s Swap Shop
Thanks for the head's up on Skippy!
I've been in love with him ever since my student teacher {5!!!!!} years ago...a student I had memorized the whole "My head is bigger than my body..." speech, and he said it in a perfect Mexican accent. I think about him everytime I read the book!
Your daughters are both gorgeous!
Enjoy your summer now that you're mostly unpacked :)
Across the Hall in 2nd
I guess I'm making a trip to Kohl's this weekend. I love Skippy!
The Busy Busy Hive
Your daughters are beautiful! I love the pic of A with her gobbles!
Time sure does fly. I'm always glad for summer when I can slow down and take time out with my girls.
Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog
The two pictures of your girls are adorable. Thanks for the info about your shower curtain. I'm adding Target to my list of places to hit this weekend.
✰ Stacy
Simpson Superstars
Your baby is soooo cute! (I bet you already knew that though). Have a great weekend.
Love that picture of A with Skippy :) Glad you were still able to make it to he beach after the unpacking!
I went a got Skippy this morning after I read your post!!! :)
I am with you on the summer school teachers in your room. I HATE having to cover up all our books (no room to actually put them all in the cupboard) and no matter what I do, they always seem to have been disturbed. Even though admin. swears an adult will always be in the room. Yeah, right...they are probably rifling through my desk so they don't even notice the kids taking the books!
I lucked out this year, as the class scheduled for my room was canceled due to numbers.
Enjoy the pool!
Hey Jen!! I'm sorry I've fallen out of touch! I went to the beach yesterday too--I forgot to take a pic to show ya!
Happy six months to your precious baby--your girls are so sweet! Sorry you had to go in to school already and I'm with you, I would have a hard time with someone working in my room. Looking forward to seeing yours all set up in the future though! :)
B is ADORABLE... and you have pushed me over the edge... I must get a SKIPPY... heading out when hubs gets home!!!
HOLY Guacamole... I wasn't following your BLOG... bad Farley BAD BAD BAD... you are in my faves though if that counts... THO SORRY!!!
I just loaded up on all of the Skippyjon Jones books at the Kohls website!! I'm so excited! Happy 6 months to B. She looks so happy at the beach. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Yay for Skippyjon! I'll head to Kohls in just a bit... :) You have very cute little ones; enjoy your time with them.
Hello Mrs Sykes
You have beautiful children! It is so hard to work at school with kids. My girls like to roll in my rolling chairs ( I have two and three daughters) and then fight about who does not have one. ugh...they do grow up fast!
Your kids are as cute as can be!
I'm totally with you on not wanting others using my room. When our school was the summer school site, I locked up everything. I'd heard tales of things disappearing.
I taught summer school one year and there wasn't anything in the room for me to use, not a pencil, staple, paper, nothing. I decided if I left some things out for the person, maybe they wouldn't feel the need to snoop around. ha
Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
Oh Jen....your babies are BEAUTIFUL!! Enjoy the summer with your little sweeties!
Hugs to you!
Holy Kohls!! I didn't realize how big the doll is!! Thank you A for snatching Skippy!!
I am loving your last pic!!! It looks like one you would see in a frame. I commented on your FB TT post yesterday to see if you have any color preferences for the school supplies...I am getting ready to fill in the blanks now. You better let me know if you have an idear...(-;
I miss chatting with ya!! Hope the weather is good (-;
The 3AM Teacher
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I love Skippy too! I'm going to have to run up to Kohl's this afternoon! I love your blog . . . did you make a new design? We 2nd grade teachers need to stick together! Your girls are beautiful . . . my babies are heading to college this year. Time really does fly. Hope the pool was fun!
Rockin' Teacher Materials
Well, seein' as Skippy is one of my absolute FAV's... I guess I need to venture over to Kohl's.
Your girls are just sooooooo cute!
I read your post and purchased a Skippy book, a backpack and the stuffed Skippy!
My daughter was not very happy when I told her it was for my classroom :)
Your girls are precious!
My Second Sense
Wow! 6 months! I remember when you were on maternity leave. Haven't talked to you in ages...hope all is well!
2B Honey Bunch
Honey Bunch Blog Design
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