Sewing skills, A.R. pack, and Goof Off

It has been great fun looking at all your Seuss celebrating pictures! And how cool is it that Tara shares his birthday?! (make sure you go say Happy Birthday to her!)

I actually have like 2 weeks worth of Seuss lessons, so be't worry, I will post non- Seuss stuff too :)

I had my kids make bookmarks, but I wanted to add in some fun sewing...yeah, I know. But you'd be surprised at how HARD this was...especially for some of my most artsy kids! I bought the plastic yarn needles and they used those to sew the yarn through the holes in their bookmarks. OH, p.s...these are the bookmarks from Melissa that she made..I glued them to black paper and laminated them.

See the SERIOUS concentration?? I love it! ha!

Also, remember when I was looking for a pen pal in a different state?? Well, I got a response from a different COUNTRY!!  LOOK at where we're sending our letters too!!
Thank you so much to everyone who offered to be our pen pals!!! I wish I could have picked all of you!!

Thanks Suzy Q! :)
And in other's my Pirate A.R. pack....I took what I've been doing in my room with A.R. and made it into a little pack, all organized.

Only $2

There are pirate bookmarks with A.R. levels, genre and book series graphs, reading logs and A.R. quiz logs, bulletin board pieces so they can "sail" to each island as they grow in A.R. points, monthly goal sheets and a certificate if/when they reach that month's goal, a poster for skill focus during reading (with ideas on what to do for the skill focus), and a letter to the parents.

If you would like a different theme (like Seuss or under the sea or what have you), I am open to suggestions!!
Also, I know some of you do reading counts, and I was trying to make this fit for that as well, but I don't know enough of that program. If you are someone who wants this set made for Reading Counts, please let me know and we can work it out! 
On another note, get your "goof off" ready, because here comes the SAP! lol

 I just want to say how WONDERFUL this blogging community is...when someone you only virtually know is in need, you all are so quick to help out!! (I'm talking to YOU Kristen and Mor!)

Or, you are so willing to share and help out however you can - THANK YOU Tammy!! 
And there are SO many more of you who share your joy every time you comment, and bring a smile to so many faces.
What a great "family" this blogging world is!!


YearntoLearn said...

How neat to pen pal with Japan. A few years ago I was able to pen pal with another teacher in a different state with the same last name. Fun!

Yearn to Learn Blog

Unknown said...

Japan!!!!! How fun!!!! I love the bookmarks!!! My kids can barley cut straight and they're in middle school.
You kids look like they're having so much fun!!!

I gave you and you fab. blog an award!!!
Come grab it

❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

I agree about everything!

LOVE my 'new' family.

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Gladys said...

Looks great!!

Yvonne Dixon said...

LOVE the bookmark sewing! Great idea Jen! I haven't done that in a while and it really can be a challenge for little hands. I also love your Pirate AR pack! Precious!-Yvonne

Miss Squirrels said...

I think I want to do pen pals next year...that sounds really neat-
maybe a bunch of us could get pen
pals from "blog world children" this summer for our own personal children!!!!

Going Nutty!

Jen R said...

that would be fun staci!

Ms. Chrissy B said...

Adorable bookmarks :) We made bookmarks too, but I did not integrate the valuable sewing skill lol. We just hole punched and tied a ribbon. But for some of my THIRD GRADERS who can't tie their shoes, that was still pretty tough lol.
Buzzing with Ms. B

Kristin said...

Love this stuff!
I agree, this blogging community is AMAZING!!!!!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Unknown said...

Love the pen pal idea!!

First Grade Blue SKies

Stellar-Students said...

Pen pals from Japan... how cool is that! Love the bookmarks and sewing.

I just gave your blog the Lovely Award. Stop by to check it out!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Traci Clausen said...

That is SO cool that your pen pals are in Japan!

I threw the "One Lovely Blog" your way over on my blog!
Dragonflies in First

Michelle Tsivgadellis said...

You are so awesome & I love your pirate AR...too cute!! It is so great that your kiddos look so focused while working!

Well, I completely agree with you and I am really loving the bloggy support and how much everyone is willing to give to help someone!! I hope Ginger has a speedy recovery!

Have a great day...I'm going to bed...hehehe


The 3AM Teacher

Barbara said...

I'm LOVING the new look . . . and the word 'concoction' at the top so that you could BREW it all together!!

Here's to a sunny Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I love your sewing bookmarks too!!! I have a few kids who I think could reeeeeeeeeally benefit from that!!

Marvelous Multiagers!

Tara said...

So sweet of you to share some birthday love for me on your awesome blog!!! Thank you dear:) (p.s. my bday is the day after I said that...I think)

We are doing pen pals this year too! It has been fun. Ours are from California! Wow! Japan, that's awesome!!

I just love the bloggy community too!!! Love what Mor and Kristen did and am so glad to have been a part of it:)

4th Grade Frolics

Molly Maloy said...


Like lots of other wonderful bloggers, I have also given you the One Lovely Blog Award! You can come to my site to check it out!

Lessons with Laughter

Melissa said...

I LOVE how you used my bookmarks! Adding the sewing is a great idea. I'm going to add your post link to my bookmark page.


creative craft studio said...

My personal though is that kids should learn sewing or at least, help there months while sewing. Kids can put thread in needle or help in measuring fabrics. creative craft studio

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