I can say that my report cards are finished early!! Yay!!
But NOW, I've got to write my PGP Implementation and Feedback form up....it was supposed to be turned in during my pre-observation conference...or was it my mid-year conference?!? Who knows. I'm kind of breaking all the rules since I was gone for 2 months.
Not breaking the rules.
Creating a mess for my admin because they don't know what to do with me.
(I'm having a real hard time typing this right now because Pete - the dog - is having severe nightmares and yelping - mind you he's 100 pounds - in his dreams!! lol It's very distracting.)
Leave it to me to always put some bump in the roads...ha!!
So now I've got to "fudge" my PGP reflection and such - whatever. :P
But instead of doing that - I really want to work on my Spring Centers!!
I'm on a roll...
I just finished the math portion..
5 centers:
~True/False Addition
~Time to hour and half hour
~Ordering numbers
~Before and After game board
~Subtraction with/without Regrouping with counter chips game
I wish I had some pictures to show you....
oh wait...since I'm already procrastinating...lol!
And my Lit centers - I'm having a harder time with...
I've got a cute foldable for sequencing
and possibly another one for either contractions or homophones....
3 letter blends
sentence scramble
And pronoun sorting??
Let me know if you have anything you want to see in it....
So far it's 40+ pages....didn't think it'd be this big, but whatever...I'll just keep going with it :)
Not only do I want to work on my centers, but I have to work on my Guess Blog Post!! Woohoo!! Except I keep forgetting to take pictures...ahhhh!! lol
Anywhosit - Can I just say???? I LOVE Fall holidays, but the Spring and Summer colors right now in everyone's work just make me SOOO happy!! I mean, all the colors - how can you not smile?!!? ha!!
Ok, I'm off to procrastinate....
Or should I actually do it??
Oh geez.... Decisions, decisions.
Hope y'all had a Marvelous Monday!
(ps - we have a field trip tomorrow!! And Field Day Thursday...Don't think I'll get too much taught this week...lol)

My post's title tonight was Avoidance, so I am in the exact same boat...
What is a PGP or whatever you called it? Sounds scary, I'd avoid it too.
Your centers look great, I had a field trip today, all day. We got nothing done!
Ms. Rachel’s Room
Probably Going Postal?
That is where all this paperwork is sending us!!!!!
Going Nutty!
Hey Jen! You were saying something's wonky with Blogger and you don't always get my post updates ... so just letting you know I have a giveway right now. You could win a $20 certificate at a place of your choosing!
Grade ONEderful
Hahaha! I am laughing at the previous comment above
PGP: Probably Going Postal...love it!
I am with you...These springy colors do make me smile!!
The 3AM Teacher
These look great Jen! My kids loved your graphing center from your dr Seuss collection. I think I might have to make one for my rainy day centers!
haha!! PGP stands for Professional Growth Plan
but I do like the Probably Going Postal version better.
What a cute center set!!! You have a gift!
I open your blog and my eyes drift directly to the word foldable and I get all excited!!! Looking forward to see what you come up with! I'm procrastinating too!
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
I love procrastinating......I do it often:/ 2 field trips in one week!!! Yikes, that would be a nightmare for me!!! Love your new units....they look awesome and HUGE!!!!
4th Grade Frolics
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