I'm a guest blogger today!!!
Go check out my post :)
On a quick side note -
My Media Specialist just showed me that we have a set of IPod touches now!! Just one for the whole school though...poo!!

BUT, I wanna know - what do you all do with them in the classroom?!? I've seen them being used in y'alls posts...so tell me!! I wouldn't even KNOW where to begin. But I would LOVE to be able to snag them to use in my classroom!!
Oh, also - there's a Spring Linky! :)

Click the pic to go check it out at 2nd Grade Superkids. There are some food and craft ideas too!
Oh, also - there's a Spring Linky! :)

Click the pic to go check it out at 2nd Grade Superkids. There are some food and craft ideas too!

Hi Jen,
I use my iPods for a Listen to reading station during Daily 5. ITunes has really good children's literature but not for free. Check out the Math apps. there are really good ones for free.
Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching
I also use mine for listening----there are some great podcasts for nonfiction!!!
This is very unrelated to your post, but I just have to tell you your button is so dang cute!!!!!!! I've noticed it before and keep forgetting to tell you. Love how it's a circle!
Krazy About Kiddos
Hey girl!
I added die cut patterns to the quilt pack a long time ago! Go back and redownload! They are there for you! :) Not sure what April is but something spring ish!
You are so lucky!
One of my teacher friends has 2 (hers) and she records herself reading the stories and asking the questions. Then they listen and respond.....so lucky!
Going Nutty!
You're almost at 500! Thanks for helping out with my giveaway girl!
Here I am like all of you, looking for ideas before 6a.m. on a non-teaching day, crazy right. But wow, so neat to find all these ideas on your blog page!
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