lol - they were all confused about the red fish - what do they do about a 0??? lol
I'm not sure why this is sideways, it wasn't like that before I uploaded it...weird.
I turned the pages into a little booklet - and they had so much fun with it!!
(Reagan, do you see your March quilt there??hehe)
They even had to do pictographs...I made them draw one fish for every TWO goldfish they had -HA! Way to throw a wrench in the system, right?? lol..but they got it! I was so proud of them :)
You can do the Fish Math all year round - not just for Seuss week....it has graphing, fractions, adding, multiplying, and write about its.
And today, we renamed ourselves for the day...ha! We did one of the activities out of my Gooney Bird pack

The kids loved it!
notice the Same Wocket?? lol - yeah, can you tell who our author of the month is?? lol
Don't hate - but my new name was Junie Beatrice!! Like Junie B.?? Because you know B stands for Beatrice...hehe. Which ironic because Gonney Bird is A LOT like Junie B., just an older version.
Monday, we're doing more with it.
Next week, our words are the OUCH words...ow and ou words. I've always called them that, but NOW I have a clip art addiction, so I had to remake my centers. lol
The pack contains 5 activities you can use to practice words with OU and OW sounds
~~Read the room
~~Word sorts
~~OUCH! Game
~~word search
OK y'all....
You HAVE to go check out Krista's post about her Super Hero activity.

Not only is it super cute...BUT she has such a great story about this - it literally brought tears to my eyes....
Ok, I wasn't going to soil it, but it's about her mom and how she's her super hero and how she lost her to cancer :(
My dad is a cancer survivor, so this really hit home - in fact, I use him a lot as my hero when I we talk "heroes" (in class and OUT of class).
So PLEASE go check her out - and all her proceeds from this unit go to American Cancer Society - of course I had to share!
Click on her button to go check out her post.
Ok, Staci FINALLY got to open her box....and now I got a box!!! But I don't have a face on mine staring at me...because I get to open it now!!!
Inside that box was another box...
And inside that box was....

I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to start crafting and creating with it!!
Hope y'all had a FABulous Friday!

ha ha! Yes I saw it and wondered if it was truly what I thought it was...then I saw your caption!! ha ha!
Have fun with your Cameo!
I have a Cricut and LOVE IT!!! I've made sooo many cool things with mine. I'm going to a scrapbooking fair tomorrow and can't wait to see what they have!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Awww, you're dad kicked it - that makes me so happy. I know way too many people who are fighting or have died from cancer. Makes me really angry, actually.
Have a happy weekend!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
:) Yay to your superhero dad!
I am jealous of your Cameo...plain and simple...jealous.
❤ Dragonflies in First ❤
Just saying hey :) hope you enjoy the weekend... cute fish activity ;)
Fun stuff!!!
Enjoy your cameo -- I have no idea what it is.
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
ooooooh enjoy your Cameo!!! Yey for you! The kids look like their having so much fun with the name changing and fish activities.
You make your units so darn cute!!!! I'm jealous!
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
The fish activity is wonderful! I am definitely going to adapt that for 5th grade. My kids would get a kick out of it for sure :)
Teaching in Room 6
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