First day of the season

Not really teaching related, but I just wanted to say HI!

The girls and I had our first beach trip of "the season" this morning...BEAUTIFUL day!!

It was B's first REAL beach day - she's been there lots of times, but not on an actual beach day. She LOVED it!! I got her feet in the sand and water and she was all smiles!


And do I have to explain how A liked it?? Just look! lol...

I'm so glad my girls love the beach and water!

This is our home every weekend, and even during the week after work, we'll sometimes go to run around and have dinner on the beach -  there's an awesome pizza joint on the beach that we frequent....mmmmm!! In the trunk of my car is a beach bag ready to go for those spur of the moment beach

Ok, I must got be domestic and such....I guess,!
Happy Sunday y'all!!


Sandy said...

Looks like SO much fun!!! I'm jealous! :-) It's raining and windy here today!

~Stephanie said...

Yay for beach days!! We have our standing beach day during the summer...can't wait for those to begin :)

Teaching in Room 6

Unknown said...

so much fun! I'm too lazy to drag myself downstairs to the pool and you take the girls to beach! I want to be just like you when I grow up!

❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

Maybe I'll go to our beach during Spring Break. Have to get through this long week first and then it's Spring Break woohoo!

Right now it's rain and more rain.

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Michelle Tsivgadellis said...

LUCKY!!! I wish I lived close to the beach again! And are you wearing a bikini after just having another little one??? YOU GO GIRL!!!!

Love the pictures! It was so nice here all week and then a storm came a rollin' in last night...oh well, it will be about 120 by next month...EWW!


The 3AM Teacher

Laura said...

So completely jealous! Beautiful day and beautiful beach girls!

Peace, Love, and First Grade

Jen R said...

haha - Michelle~ I am..but do you notice how I cropped it?! lol...definitely not bikini worthy

Jeanne said...

Oh, to live close to the beach to go anytime. That's my dream....Enjoy!!!!

Pam @ This House Our Home said...

What beach are you at? It's beautiful!

The Colorful Apple said...

Ooo I'm jealous! It was gorgeous here today but not beach weather yet! The girls look like they had a great time!

Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade

Unknown said...

Wow!! I'm all bundled up in my heavy sweater and blanket on the couch! It's rainy, windy and supposed to snow here in Ut. Thanks so much for linking up over at my blog and I love your new look!! (I've been so behind in my blog stalking!!)

Teaching First

Kristin said...

It's freezing cold here and super windy and it's going to rain again. I am SO SO SO JEALOUS.
Your girls are so cute!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

gd2bqn said...

Thanks for sharing of your happiness! What beautiful pictures and even better smiles! All I have lined up today is exercise......oh, wait!--taking some little friends to see The Lorax. There's my smile!!

Sarah Mackey said...

Im so jealous that you can just pick up and go to the beach whenever. How FUN!! Hey, just wanted to let you know that you were the winner of my St. Patrick's Day giveaway. Congratulations, I will be sending my packet your way shortly. Enjoy!!


Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

So jealous! I wish I lived by the beach! :)

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

Tammy said...

ohhh so envious we have sand here in Oklahoma too. But it's on a river. With dirty water. And big ugly fish called catfish and gar. And it smells like fish. And you can see the other side. And mostly there is more sand than water. Unless it floods. And there are never any waves. Just sand and fish and hot (or cold) dirty water. See the difference?? LOL Enjoy those babies they are precious.
First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

Stellar-Students said...

So cute! Looks like lots of fun! The beach is my favorite place to visit......

Have a great week!


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