Why this picture???
Simple...my school is trying to get into this book!! Yeppers!!! We made our newspaper today!! The Sunday edition!!
Two of our teachers, one is the Autistic Unit teacher and the other is a 1st grade teacher, they are doing a duck drive to collect 10,000 rubber duckies!!
They are using them as teaching aids, but also...why not go for the gold?! Right!?!
Click the picture to read the article!
Welcome to my day...
This is how my day has been since lunch time...no joke...I'm not sure why...constantly hungry...and needing to be held, and swaddled, and rocked, and burped...lol. Just one of those times that is so frustrating because you just want to make them feel better!!
And hubsters worked for 36 LONG hours!! I would make a HORRIBLE single mom - I don't know how my mom did it for 9 years...or how any other single mom does it...granted, I have a newborn and a 2-year old...one of the worst combinations ever..lol.
But bless my hubby's heart. He came home, from working 36 hours mind you, and kept my rowdy little 2 year old busy, playing with her in all kinds of ways that I just couldn't handle anymore. I love him. He definitely earned brownie points....who needs flowers, or chocolate, or a diamond tennis bracelet?? Just saving my sanity will do, please and thank you!!!
And hubsters worked for 36 LONG hours!! I would make a HORRIBLE single mom - I don't know how my mom did it for 9 years...or how any other single mom does it...granted, I have a newborn and a 2-year old...one of the worst combinations ever..lol.
But bless my hubby's heart. He came home, from working 36 hours mind you, and kept my rowdy little 2 year old busy, playing with her in all kinds of ways that I just couldn't handle anymore. I love him. He definitely earned brownie points....who needs flowers, or chocolate, or a diamond tennis bracelet?? Just saving my sanity will do, please and thank you!!!
I'd rather have this "Cry Baby"
Johnny Depp in Cry Baby |
Haha!! You guys know this movie, right?? Probably one of the BEST- Worst movies. Ever. Hands down! I love this movie! lol
Wowwy! Finally got a chance to sit down and check my email...

Then, there's this gem that goes under my calendar :)
(no, it's not in the top pic, because I forgot to put it on before I took the picture and hubsters was NOT willing to pose again - ha!)
This is my bill holder I made....out of an empty raisin box and some wrapping paper!!!
I got the idea from one of my fave sites
....she did it for something different, and she did hers so that they were skinny and long...I wanted to see my bills, so I made mine wide and thin.
Her post doesn't exist anymore, but I do have some of her tutorial pics saved...

Hers are skinny and long, so I just turned the box around when I was cutting and made it wide and thin.

I love your craft!!! I spent the day at home doing homework and house work....Oh and walked 5 miles with my girlfriends!! The sprinkler looks AMAZING!!
Hey Chickster...
I so remember those days...where nothing you do can make your little one happy. Oh boy. I always blamed it on a growth spurt.
I cleaned the house from top to bottom, used our new snow blower on the driveway...we got about 3 inches today {not much}, did some grocery shopping, did laundry {I was so flippin behind}...and of course did lots of blog stalking in between all that. It was a pretty productive day!
I love your corkboard creation...LOVE it...love the fabric you used too!!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
yeah....I'm blaming it on a growth spurt....she's eating a lot more today....and it can't feel good to grow!
Yeah for your husband saving your sanity.
I dwaddled away my Sunday blogging, grading, and a 3 mile walk in between with my sister.
I love the bill holder. My 'bill holder' is an entire table covered in envelopes I don't want to deal with. It's not very efficient or neat.
I spent today doing odds and ends around the house, including laundry, and taking my brother to Barnes & Noble. Where he made me buy him two books because he's bossy.
Buzzing with Ms. B
One more thing...I saw your post on Kelley's blog and I was wondering something. My school district hasn't adopted a reading series in over 13 years...the area that I feel like I'm lacking is in skills...like when to introduce compound words, digraphs, what word families to work on...word study stuff. Does your reading series offer that? If so, is it something you could easily share? {via email is my guess with copyright laws and stuff...maybe I shouldn't even be putting this in the comment section...HA! Don't want to get anybody into trouble...}
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
I have always said that I have no idea how single mothers do it. I would never had been able to do it.
Fun In First
That cork board is adorable!!!!
My Sunday looked like this...
sleep in, church, lunch with the in laws, writing my giant blog post, took a mini nap, water aerobics and now blog stalking!
Thanks for the reading feedback Jen! I think I will be moving to more what you are doing next year. I totally want to change our reading block because I don't feel like it is working. I am slowly experimenting with somethings now, but the BIG change will be next year. I plan on working A LOT of hours on it this summer!
Your craft is adorable. I used to have a corkboard that I covered with fabric and then my husband took that space and made it into the wine section of our kitchen. Complete with a wine fridge so I guess I won't complain.
My Sunday consisted of church, blogging, stalking, TV time, chores for tomorrow, and relaxing. :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Holly - YES! But it's at school...I will have to see if my sub can find it and email me a copy
Kelley - no problem! Let me know if you have any questions!
And for the rest of you...I want a relaxing day!! lol..just me and the couch.
Kristin...ooooh!!! I think I'm a little jealoud right now :)
Love your bill holder component. Great idea. I'll probably be stealing it real soon ;)
Grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry took over my Sunday. YUCK.
♥ Dragonflies in First ♥
First of all...I am beyond jealous you got to play in the sprinklers. Wayyy to cold ...but not cold enough for snow...here which leaves me frustrated.
2ndly, I spent my Saturday busting my behind so I could spend my Sunday in BED. YEP, all day girlfriend. Now, I did a little teensy bit of school work in bed....but mostly, I just reveled in the bliss of nothingness!
:) Have a great week!!
ps: I always look forward to your comments, so THANKS and keep em coming!
Hey Jen! Just remember...you get your approval to run again soon!
Also, that is so fun about your record setting. We just read a book called Ducky in our class last week. It's all about rubber ducks! It would be great for your school.
Have a great week!
Mary Beth
Run Teacher, Run
LOVE that you were playing in the sprinklers today - we spent a lazy day inside watching the blizzard outside! (not complaining - LOVE lazy Sundays)
The fabric on your corkboard creation is FANTASTIC!!!
Hoping for a calmer tomorrow for you!
Runde's Room
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