It's the BEACH time of year....

Today is Christmas - part I anyway. My mom comes in tonight from Colorado (yay!!), so today it's just our little family celebrating. Each year, we head to the beach...doesn't everyone go to the beach on Christmas??? lol. Now, if I wasn't 9 months pregnant, I totally would have been out in the water (withOUT a wetsuit) getting my surf on, but oh well. Playing on the beach will just have to do. :)

And we make "snow"men! lol...

here's my version....

and my husband's version...

From our family to yours - Merry Christmas! Hope your day brings you joy, however you spend it.

p.s...I'm only 9 away from my 200 follower giveaway! Check out what I'm going to do once I get to 200 {HERE}


Kristen said...

oh Jen, I am SO jealous! What a gorgeous way to spend the holiday!! Although, it is very pretty today in New England. We have a tiny dusting of snow outside and woke up to big beautiful snowflakes falling--the kind that don't really accumulate (the best kind!!!). Merry Christmas!! :)

Kelley Cirrito said...

Omg I love your snowmen! They are so cute! Have a merry Christmas!

Kristin said...

LOVE it!!!!! Love the snowmen, too!
Enjoy your day with your little family today and have a great day tomorrow!
Merry Christmas and THANK YOU SO MUCH for being my bloggy friend!! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Unknown said...

Sand Snowman?!?!? LOVE!!! haha

Your foldables are officially ready!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!! Hope you're enjoying a day full of love & laughter surrounded by loved ones!!!

I've got your Christmas gift waiting for you!!!!! Come unwrap it ♥

❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
A Teacher's Treasure

Kim said...

Hi Jen!

Oh... I forgot about the nine months part... I hope you're enjoying the "almost-ness" of the new baby!

Love the sand/snow people. I think the middle one looks like a mer-snow-sand-maid! The beach looks so serene... and clearly you were not fighting for some space. It was in the seventies most of the day in California--but since I never got out of pajamas, it didn't matter much...

WOW! Two hundred followers! I checked to be sure I was "signed up." Yep! (And Darn! because I really wanted to give you +1 more!)

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy-Soon-To-Be-Birthday of your new little one...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

Lisa said...

Love the snowmen!!! Too precious!

Love your family picture!

Live Laugh and Love to Learn

Barbara L said...

Oh wow! I'm so jealous. I'd LOVE to be on a nice hot beach. Our beach was wet and freezing cold today! Had to drink an extra baileys and coffee just to stay warm:)
Grade ONEderful

Holly said...

Oh my goodness...I a jealous. I mean, we are having unseasonably warm temps around here...and NO snow...Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas much to this Michigan girl without snow. BUT...if we're not going to have snow, I'd be WILLING to tolerate a day on the beach instead. HA!

You have a beautiful family! ENJOY!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Jennifer said...

Looks gorgeous! Hang in there girl! And Happy New Year!

Rowdy in First Grade

Allyce said...

Your beach is a bit warmer than mine is :) Thank you for coming over to my blog! Looks like you enjoyed your trip!

Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas said...

We love the beach! I'm in North Florida now and when we were stationed in Dallas the children and I were stuck in the airport for two days in APRIL due to a crazy snowstorm. Our 2 hour flight because a 2 day nightmare, no restaurants were open because the food employees couldn't get there, the airport ran out of cots, no food, no caffine, no joy...augh!!! I will be happy to live in Sunny Florida for the rest of my days!
One Florida tradition that's different from our friends up north...Our family makes melted snowman on the night of our first "cold snap" down here. We get the frozen Pina Colada mix at Publix and add vanilla ice cream instead of rum! A melted snowman!
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!

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Aleric said...

Keep up the good work coming gang gang

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