Math Foldables Linky

It's Foldables Week! And Monday is Math-day! (hehe). I LOVE LOVE LOVE using foldables, we use them all the time!
(To see how to make some fabulous foldables, you can go {HERE} to one of my earlier posts on Foldables
Here are just a few examples of how we have used them in our room...

 This is the shutter foldable...
We did fact families with it on this version....

Sorry it's sideways! I'm not sure why it didn't upload correctly :(
On the inside of the of shutters, they wrote their fact families on each flap - and they did the triangle in the middle of it. 

This flap book foldable is a "go to" of mine for many different activities - anything you can use a tree map for or any subject that has a "list" of examples is great with this one :)

Head on over to Thinking of Teaching to see more Math Foldables!!


1 comment

Beth said...

Thanks so much for posting for Foldables Week. There is a post with a link part if you want to link up as well.

I love the data management makes me a little said that I am done that unit for this year!
Thinking of Teaching

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