The other day, I had posted about my author studies (see that post {HERE}), where I posted my new and exciting author study tic-tac-toe board.
I had some of you ask me for my math Tic-Tac-Toe board. Well, I just got finished with my newest one....addition. Since we are coming to the end of our addition skills (aside from rounding and estimating, but those are a whole different level! ha!), I made this board fit the majority of our addition skills:
The first row is the "easiest" with doubles, doubles plus one, adding to ten
The second row is "middle level" with adding ten, 2-digit addition without and with regrouping
The third row is "hardest" level with word problems.
Sometimes, to differentiate for my students, I will tell certain kiddos which row I want them to do. But if I don't, then my rule is that you have to go through the you can do vertical 3 in a row, or diagonals. Not that they know they are different levels on purpose, but they do know by looking at the problems which ones are easier...lola
Click {HERE} to get a copy!
Throughout the year, I will be posting different versions for ya to snag!

Love it! Hope it's okay if I tweek it a bit to make it fit for my first graders.
First Grade Delight
of course! and I will post more throughout the year that are a little more basic when we are learning each "stage" of a whole standard....I kind of like to do them as a review.
Thanks for sharing! I love it and can't wait to try it out with my class!
Thanks Jen,
I'm still not seeing me in your follower list!! Not sure why, because in google reader, you are there! I'm going to unsubscribe in reader and try again. On my blog, sometimes it only shows 5 followers and I have 32! I just don't get it!! Anyway, I'm going to reader now to try again.
Oh, and the google chrome trick worked! :)
Live Laugh and Love to Learn
I see me now!!!!!!!!! I had to go through friend connect to make it happen. After I resubscribed through reader, I still wasn't there! I'm listed as barrylisa
Live Laugh and Love to Learn
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